Annual Report

Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project Annual Evaluation

Second year evaluation. Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) project aims at reducing malnutrition and addressing nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women including adolescents. JANO also focuses on capacity building of multiple levels of government bodies, especially enhancing capacities of Nutrition Committees (NC) at the upazila and district levels in terms of developing nutritional plans, budget and effective supervision. Funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by CARE, Plan International, including Eco Social Development Organization (ESDO). JANO collaborated with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in implementing the National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN)-2) at the local, regional, and national levels selected all 65 unions of the seven most vulnerable upazilas of Rangpur and Nilphamari (with a stunting rate of 42.1%) were selected for this project. These include Gangachara, Kaunia, Taraganj, Domar, Jaldhaka, Kishorgonj and Nilphamari Sadar. [101 pages]. Read More...

CARE Mali Harande FY20 Participants Based Survey PaBS Annual Report

Harande program, implemented the annual monitoring survey through the M&E Unit and Program team supported by the CARE USA Regional M&E Advisor. The methodology is based on the Participants Based Survey (PaBS survey) guidelines expressed in Feed the Future PABS guideline1. It has been conducted using the latest BHA participants-based survey methodology guidance. All fourteen (14) annual survey indicators have been computed using weighting procedures. Except for, gross margin, value of incremental and yield indicators that used more complex formulas, standard errors and confidence intervals have been established for the remaining indicators. FY20 Data collection has been made during the period of July 15 - 29, 2020 and methodology comply with the PaBS FtF guideline as recommended by BHA. The PaBS have been implemented in the following four (4) communes: Dourou, Dandoli, Douentza and Koubewel Koundia, and a total of 48 villages have been reached through these communes for data collection.

A total of 1,733 participants have been sampled for this PaBS. Within them 11% refused the survey and 72% were female. That bring the total participant who responded to the survey in all the frames without double counting to 1,529. Participants who overlap between frames during the survey were counted once. It appears that 28% of participants were youth. Out of a total of 1,529 interviewed respondents 1,265 come from households and 18% of them were household heads. The average size of households was 9 members (the number varies from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 35 household members). [59 pages]. Read More...

Action for Supporting Host Community Adaptation & Resilience ASHAR Alo Yearly Review 2020

As a multi-year project, mid-term review/year-end assessment has been commissioned to assess relevancy of design, approach and methodology, implementation strategy, efficiency and effectiveness of actions, effects of actions on community people etc. This is an internal assessment to improve the project. The ASHAR Alo project targets host communities located outside of the refugee camps, consolidating programmatic gains through OFDA funding for sustainable development in the area. The project activities are focused on Jaliyapalong, and Palongkhali. CARE aims to strengthen host communities' resilience, by enhancing community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR), upgrading infrastructure and providing livelihoods opportunities, across shelter, settlement and WASH sectors. The project will also respond to the urgent protection and gender-based violence needs in the host community. Activities are being undertaken in collaboration with government and community stakeholders, as well as UN and NGO actors.

The assessment was conducted in September 2020 applying both quantitative and qualitative tools and approaches. The samples were drawn purposively. Considering the COVID-19 situation, the short sample size was determined following most common statistical formulae. Throughout the study, it follows USAID compliance and directives. It covers a total of 228 respondent’s households from 4 WARDs under Jaliyapalong Union in Ukhiya Upazailla, Cox’s Bazar district. Quantitative Data collection has been conducted with Tablets using KoBo. [41 pages].

Partners for Resilience: Annual Report 2019

Intended impact: Vulnerable people are more often resilient to crises in the face of climate change and environmental degradation, enabling sustainable inclusive economic growth.

Contents of report:
1 Progress on IRM dialogue trajectories
2A Reflection on capacity strengthening
2B Reflection on the Dialogue Capacity Framework
3. Progress on Knowledge Management & Learning
4. Gender
5. Collaboration with the Netherlands Embassy
6. Linking country, regional and global programmes
7 Assess ToC together, visualize progress towards the 2020 goal
8 Country corner
9 Significant change
10 Indicators

Integrated WASH Implementation Models for Neglected Tropical Diseases

In February 2015, CARE, supported by Johnson & Johnson, initiated the Integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Implementation Models for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Prevention project (I-WASH/NTDs) to investigate barriers to and success in WASH and NTD collaboration. The project was initiated to support the government of Ethiopia in its efforts to combat NTDs that are endemic to 746 woredas nationally.

As a part of this pilot, supported by Johnson & Johnson, CARE has added NTD prevention elements and activities to its longstanding water, sanitation and hygiene program in the South Gondar Zone of the Amhara region. Thus, in addition to improving WASH access and behaviors, the I-WASH/NTD program helped CARE and partners to focus deliberately on NTD prevention and work with government and other relevant stakeholders to ensure a holistic approach to NTD prevention and control. Key program elements included increased access to WASH, support for mass drug administration, increased knowledge and practice of specific prevention behaviors at the community-level and increased coordination between local government offices, community members, and health and research institutions working in WASH and NTD prevention and control. Read More...

ROM Review: Initiative REVANCHE: Résilience et Adaptation aux Variabilités Climatiques, pour une Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutritionnelle Durable au Tchad, Régions de Wadi Fira, Guera et Ouadaï.

PERTINENCE. La mise en oeuvre de l’action REVANCHE a confirmé la pertinence de la stratégie PRO-ACT Résilience qui a été à l’origine de sa conception et du choix du mode d’exécution du projet permettant la sortie de l’urgence et l’ancrage d’un développement durable au sein des communautés cible. Les réponses proposées sont appropriées pour satisfaire les besoins des bénéficiaires et soutiennent la Plan nationale de renforcement de la résilience des populations tchadiennes. La pertinence est maintenue tout au long de l’exécution car le projet répond aux besoins des plus vulnérables par des actions à effets immédiats par du cash qui permet l’accès
à l’alimentation et aux soins de santé.

EFFICIENCE. La mise en oeuvre s’est révélée efficiente et propice à une bonne progression vers la réalisation des résultats recherchés. Le projet a connu un retard dans son démarrage mais dont les causes relèvent, pour la plupart d’entre elles, de facteurs externes au projet lui-même.

EFFICACITÉ. Le projet a été efficace à livrer la majeure partie des produits planifiés, notamment ceux consistant en travaux et réalisations d’ouvrages physiques et en appuis méthodologiques et logistiques aux parties étatiques et ONG partenaires.

DURABILITÉ. La problématique de la durabilité se pose encore en termes de capacité des communautés à s’approprier les apports du projet. Quatre ONG nationales ont pris part à l’exécution du projet REVANCHE et ont bénéficié d’un paquet de formations et du coaching progressif de CARE et OXFAM. Mais les organisations communautaires de base (organisations paysannes, groupements féminins, artisans réparateurs de pompes, groupe pour le système d’alerte précoce, GIE d’ouvriers maçons, …) qui constituent le socle de la stratégie de durabilité de l’action sont encore à un stade embryonnaire et requièrent des appuis et une mise en réseau entre eux et avec les services publiques Read More...


SII aims to reduce the prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight among children under five years of age and to reduce the prevalence of anemia among WRA and children 6-59 months of age. SII works across thematic areas including nutrition, health and family planning (FP), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), agriculture/homestead food
production (HFP), and governance, using a gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) approach for all interventions. CARE is a sub-grantee to Helen Keller International.
Annual surveys are a key component of SII’s monitoring system. The primary purpose is to monitor progress over time related to key SII inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts in intervention areas. The first SII annual monitoring survey was conducted between June to September 2017. Similar to the first annual survey, data collection for the second SII annual survey was conducted between July to September 2018, again, among a representative sample of households with a child
under five years.


The Government of Nepal (GoN) is currently rolling out the second phase of a national Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Program (MSNP), with the support of external development partners. Suaahara II is a USAID-funded multisectoral nutrition program, aligned with Nepal’s MSNP, being implemented in 42 of Nepal’s 77 districts from 2016 to 2021. Suaahara II aims to reduce the prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight among children under 5 years of age and to reduce the prevalence of anemia among WRA and children 6-59 months of age. CARE is sub-grantee to Helen Keller International on this project.
Annual surveys are a key component of Suaahara II’s monitoring system. The primary purpose is to monitor progress over time related to key Suaahara II inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts in intervention areas. The first SII annual monitoring survey was conducted between June to September 2017 among a representative sample of households with a child under five years, by New Era, a local survey firm. Read More...

Tipping Point Outcome Mapping Phase 1

CARE’S TIPPING POINT PROJECT addresses child marriage through a dynamic process of innovation, insight, and influence in Nepal and Bangladesh, two countries with high rates of child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM). The project focuses on identifying the root causes of child marriage and facilitates innovative strategies to create alternative paths for adolescent girls. The project conducted a Community Participatory Analysis (CPA) Study1 designed to deepen understanding of the contextual factors and root causes driving the prevalence of child marriage in distinctive regions within Nepal (two districts of the Terai; 16 municipal areas) and Bangladesh (one district in wetland areas; 90 villages) in the highly marginalized communities in which Tipping Point programming would take place. The CPA informed innovative and context-specific program design for local level strategies, including who to target, and contributed to the
development of approaches for monitoring and evaluation. As a learning and innovation initiative, the project is expected to contribute to the global understanding of the complex issues driving child marriage and different strategies that can contribute to a “tipping point” of sustainable change to prevent child marriage and create viable alternative paths for adolescent girls. Read More...

Ghana Social Accountability Mechanism (GSAM) Annual Report Year 4

The fourth year of implementation of the USAID-funded Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) project covered the period October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018, during which the GSAM Consortium – CARE, OXFAM and ISODEC – continued with its activities in the 50 districts, known as the Social Accountability Districts. These activities were aimed primarily at strengthening the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and citizens to monitor and assess capital projects of their MMDAs, using scorecards, and to use the information generated to engage with the MMDAs to demand accountability and improved performance in capital project delivery. Read More...

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