Economic Development
Gestión sostenible para la conservación y restauración del bosque mesófilo del pie de monte volcánico de los municipios del Quetzal, La Reforma, Nuevo Progreso y el Tumbador del departamento de San Marcos en la cuenca del río Naranjo
This document is the results report of the Project Baseline "Sustainable Management for the Conservation and Restoration of the Mesophil forest of the Volcanic Mount Foot of the Municipalities of Quetzal, La Reforma, Nuevo Progreso and the Tomb of the department of San Marcos, in the Naranjo River basin" whose funding comes from the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund (FCA) whose field stage was developed during August-October 2019, in order to provide the initial parameters and indicators to assess the impact of the objectives and results defined by that project. The project was designed with the primary purpose of contributing to the well-being of populations located in the upper and middle part of the Naranjo River basin, through the promotion and implementation of activities aimed at improving agroforestry systems and sustainable conservation and restoration of forest remnants, for the recovery of connectivity as a measure to address biodiversity loss and fragmentation of forest ecosystems. The selected territory has a high wealth of flora and fauna with ecosystem functionality that contribute to the well-being and family economy of 115,891 inhabitants in the four municipalities according to data from the 2018 census. It belongs to the Volcanic Chain Region prioritized by the FCA and according to the National Forest Institute (INAB) for its hydrological potential is defined as a very high priority of intervention. Read More...
Conservación y Restauración de Ecosistemas Nativos para el Mantenimiento de la Regulación Hídrica Protección de Biodiversidad en Cuatro Municipios Totonicapán Y Sololá Baseline
This document contains the results of the Baseline biophysical and socio-economic situation analysis of the territory where the Project "Conservation and Restoration of and native ecosystems for the maintenance of water regulation and biodiversity protection in four municipalities of Totonicapán and Sololá", whose funding comes from the Tropical Forest Conservation Agreement (FCA).
This is a collection of information from the project area and the field study developed during the months of August to November 2019, in order to provide the initial parameters and indicators to assess the impact of the objectives and results defined by the project. The project will promote the full participation of women and young people in community organizations, to improve power relations, mainly in forest use decision-making, access to forest government incentives and planning for diversification of agroforestry systems, mainly associated with forest species, fruit trees, and annual crops, to reduce the gap in development opportunities between men and women. Read More...
This is a collection of information from the project area and the field study developed during the months of August to November 2019, in order to provide the initial parameters and indicators to assess the impact of the objectives and results defined by the project. The project will promote the full participation of women and young people in community organizations, to improve power relations, mainly in forest use decision-making, access to forest government incentives and planning for diversification of agroforestry systems, mainly associated with forest species, fruit trees, and annual crops, to reduce the gap in development opportunities between men and women. Read More...
TVET and Higher Education for Boosting Road Infrastructure Development and Growth of Energy Services (THE BRIDGES) Project Final Report
CARE Somalia/Somaliland was funded by the European Union (EU) to improve the technical skills of the youth in roads and energy service sectors. The Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) and Higher Education for Boosting Road Infrastructure Development and Growth of Energy Services (THE BRIDGES) project aim to support the Government of Somalia/Somaliland plans to enhance inclusive economic growth and reduce poverty. The project aims to assist in the development of high-quality skills both for gainful employment and sustainable economic development. To meet labor demands in road infrastructure and energy sectors, the project further aims to strengthen TVET and Higher Education (HE) to offer high-quality solutions responsive to the changing market situations in the selected priority sectors of the economy. Given the increasingly dynamic employment market in Somalia/Somaliland, there is a need for high-quality competency-based skills development. The BRIDGES project sought to enhance the development of national and local capacities of TVET, and Higher Education linked to the road infrastructure and energy sector services. This is intended to be accomplished through the strengthening of institutional capacities in addition to aligning skills training to standardized international frameworks. Read More...
Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI)
The Rural Economic Sustainability Initiative (RESI) aimed to support inclusive and sustainable rural economic development in four target municipalities in Kosovo: Prishtinë/Priština, Novo Brdo/Novobrdë, Kamenicë/a and Ranil(l)ug. It was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and the Municipality of Prishtinë/Priština and implemented by CARE International in Kosovo.
The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture, capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and socio-economically vulnerable groups.
The final evaluation of the RESI took place between 6th October and 11th November 2019. The evaluation aimed to make an independent assessment of the outputs, outcomes and impact of the project towards the end of its 36 month cycle. The evaluation also set out to identify lesson learned, avenues for replication and practical recommendations for the future. Read More...
The approach utilised built on a very successful previous project and featured grants to MSME in agriculture, capacity development of municipality agriculture departments and a special focus on empowerment of women and socio-economically vulnerable groups.
The final evaluation of the RESI took place between 6th October and 11th November 2019. The evaluation aimed to make an independent assessment of the outputs, outcomes and impact of the project towards the end of its 36 month cycle. The evaluation also set out to identify lesson learned, avenues for replication and practical recommendations for the future. Read More...
Impact Socio-Economique du COVID-19 chez les Jeunes au Niger
Le COVID-19 est une maladie infectieuse découverte à Wuhan (Chine) en décembre 2019. Elle est transmise principalement d’une personne à une autre par le biais de gouttelettes respiratoires expulsées par le nez ou par la bouche lorsqu’une personne malade tousse, éternue ou parle.
Le Niger ne fait pas exception des pays épargnés par le COVID-19. A cet effet, le Gouvernement s’est active à mettre en place avec l’appui des partenaires techniques et financiers des mesures pour lutter contre le virus . Ces mesures ont permis un contrôle efficace de la maladie. Parmi celle-ci, on peut citer la suspension ou limitation des passagers pour les transports en communs, le couvre-feu, l’isolement de la ville de Niamey etc.
Ces mesures bouleversent malheureusement tous les secteurs économiques. Selon le rapport publié par Dispositif National de Prévention et de Gestion des Crises Alimentaires, ces mesures auront un impact sur les dépenses des ménages:
• La mise en quarantaine et le couvre-feu pourraient augmenter de 30% les dépenses liées
à l’alimentation (hausse des prix) ;
• La réduction du temps de travail, la présence des enfants à la maison pourront occasionner
une augmentation de 10% des dépenses d’énergie et d’eau de 30% dans les centres urbains
• L’interdiction des cérémonies sociales (mariage, baptême, funérailles) pourrait faire baisser les dépense y afférentes de 30% dans les villes chef-lieu des régions et de 50%
dans celle de Niamey ;
• Les dépenses liées à la communication pourraient augmenter de 50% à Niamey et 20%
dans les autres centres urbains à cause du confinement (saturation des réseaux);
Les dépenses des ménages liées principalement à l’hygiène corporelle et équipements sanitaires pourront augmenter de 50% en milieu urbain et 10% en milieu rural.
C’est dans ce cadre que Youth Tea, un laboratoire pilote initié par CARE International au Niger a décidé de conduire une analyse sur l’impact socio-économique du coronavirus sur les jeunes filles et garçons en milieu urbain et rural (Communes de Niamey et de Bermo). Read More...
Le Niger ne fait pas exception des pays épargnés par le COVID-19. A cet effet, le Gouvernement s’est active à mettre en place avec l’appui des partenaires techniques et financiers des mesures pour lutter contre le virus . Ces mesures ont permis un contrôle efficace de la maladie. Parmi celle-ci, on peut citer la suspension ou limitation des passagers pour les transports en communs, le couvre-feu, l’isolement de la ville de Niamey etc.
Ces mesures bouleversent malheureusement tous les secteurs économiques. Selon le rapport publié par Dispositif National de Prévention et de Gestion des Crises Alimentaires, ces mesures auront un impact sur les dépenses des ménages:
• La mise en quarantaine et le couvre-feu pourraient augmenter de 30% les dépenses liées
à l’alimentation (hausse des prix) ;
• La réduction du temps de travail, la présence des enfants à la maison pourront occasionner
une augmentation de 10% des dépenses d’énergie et d’eau de 30% dans les centres urbains
• L’interdiction des cérémonies sociales (mariage, baptême, funérailles) pourrait faire baisser les dépense y afférentes de 30% dans les villes chef-lieu des régions et de 50%
dans celle de Niamey ;
• Les dépenses liées à la communication pourraient augmenter de 50% à Niamey et 20%
dans les autres centres urbains à cause du confinement (saturation des réseaux);
Les dépenses des ménages liées principalement à l’hygiène corporelle et équipements sanitaires pourront augmenter de 50% en milieu urbain et 10% en milieu rural.
C’est dans ce cadre que Youth Tea, un laboratoire pilote initié par CARE International au Niger a décidé de conduire une analyse sur l’impact socio-économique du coronavirus sur les jeunes filles et garçons en milieu urbain et rural (Communes de Niamey et de Bermo). Read More...
The Agro-Source project in Ghana is a two and half (2½) year project (July 2018 to December 2020). The overall goal of the Agro-Source project is to improve the productivity of 30,000 smallholder women farmers in five (5) districts i.e. Garu, Tempane, Bawku West, Lambussie-Karni and Nandom in the Upper East and West regions of Ghana through increased availability, access and use of good quality agricultural inputs by 2020.
The baseline study was to establish a benchmark against which to measure the progress and achievements of the project. It was to generate: information on the current status on the availability of quality agro-inputs in the target locations and information regarding smallholder women farmers’ access to and utilization of agro-inputs to improve their productivity.
The baseline study was to establish a benchmark against which to measure the progress and achievements of the project. It was to generate: information on the current status on the availability of quality agro-inputs in the target locations and information regarding smallholder women farmers’ access to and utilization of agro-inputs to improve their productivity.
Where the Rain Falls Phase III (2017 – 2019): Final Evaluation Report
In 2009, the Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) initiative started as a three-year research project investigating the impact of rainfall variability on food and livelihood security, and migration.
This research culminated in a global policy report (2012) and the development of more action-oriented community-based adaptation (CBA) pilot projects in each India, Thailand and Bangladesh. A second phase (2014 – 2016), and later a third phase (2017 – 2019), aimed to scale results, impacts and lessons learned to date for broader support for, and uptake of, CBA methods and approaches.
In October 2019, CARE France engaged an International Consultant to lead WtRF’ first multi-county evaluation. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs) for this evaluation (see Annex IV) the main objectives of the evaluation are two-fold:
(i) to assess the degree of achievement of the WtRF global and specific objectives in India and Thailand respectively; and
(ii) to extract common and/or comparable lessons learned about factors contributing to and hindering achievements (e.g. barriers and enablers) Read More...
This research culminated in a global policy report (2012) and the development of more action-oriented community-based adaptation (CBA) pilot projects in each India, Thailand and Bangladesh. A second phase (2014 – 2016), and later a third phase (2017 – 2019), aimed to scale results, impacts and lessons learned to date for broader support for, and uptake of, CBA methods and approaches.
In October 2019, CARE France engaged an International Consultant to lead WtRF’ first multi-county evaluation. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs) for this evaluation (see Annex IV) the main objectives of the evaluation are two-fold:
(i) to assess the degree of achievement of the WtRF global and specific objectives in India and Thailand respectively; and
(ii) to extract common and/or comparable lessons learned about factors contributing to and hindering achievements (e.g. barriers and enablers) Read More...
Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) in Northern Rakhine State End-of-Project Evaluation
The Supporting Partnerships and Resilience of Communities (SPARC) project, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), was implemented in Maungdaw District, northern Rakhine State between December 2011- December 2019.
SPARC’s goal is to contribute to the sustainable reduction of poverty in communities through improving the social and economic position of poor, vulnerable households, and to strengthen household and community capacity to sustain such improvements. To achieve this goal, CARE implements integrated livelihood activities that improve food security and economic opportunities, including community forestry, crop productivity intensification, facilitating access to education and introducing financial services through Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA).
An end-of-project evaluation was recently commissioned ‘to determine if SPARC achieved its end of project outcomes of sustainable reduction of poverty in poor, vulnerable communities and strengthened household and community capacity to sustain such improvements’.
The evaluation used a mixed method approach combining a literature review and quantitative data sets drawn primarily from the project monitoring system, together with qualitative data, collected using participatory approaches such as focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and Stories of Change Interviews (SoCs). Read More...
SPARC’s goal is to contribute to the sustainable reduction of poverty in communities through improving the social and economic position of poor, vulnerable households, and to strengthen household and community capacity to sustain such improvements. To achieve this goal, CARE implements integrated livelihood activities that improve food security and economic opportunities, including community forestry, crop productivity intensification, facilitating access to education and introducing financial services through Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLA).
An end-of-project evaluation was recently commissioned ‘to determine if SPARC achieved its end of project outcomes of sustainable reduction of poverty in poor, vulnerable communities and strengthened household and community capacity to sustain such improvements’.
The evaluation used a mixed method approach combining a literature review and quantitative data sets drawn primarily from the project monitoring system, together with qualitative data, collected using participatory approaches such as focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and Stories of Change Interviews (SoCs). Read More...
Este informe es un análisis de referencia de la población, la vida, la cultura y el dominio económico de las personas en las regiones de Piura y Junín para el programa Get Connected de CARE Perú – "Conéctate: Finanzas al alcance de tu manos". El informe evalúa el capital social, el uso de la tecnología, la demografía y más para evaluar el punto de partida de este programa.
El proyecto se desarrolló con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias y mujeres menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.
El proyecto se desarrolló con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias y mujeres menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.
This report presents the findings of the End of Project (EOP) Evaluation of the YEIS Project. The purpose of the EOP Evaluation was to ascertain the extent to which the project achieved its objectives and results. The Evaluation focused on the following aspects: (i) relevance, (ii) effectiveness (iii) impact (iv) efficiency (v) innovation, (vi) scalability and reliability, (vii) sustainability, (viii) project lessons learned and best practices, (ix) sensitivity to gender, women’s rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities, (x) project’s implementation architecture.
The overall objective of the YEIS project was to contribute to the elimination of poverty of youth between (16-30 years) dependent on the informal sector in Rwanda with a specific geographical coverage of seven districts namely; Nyarugenge, Kicukiro in Kigali City, Rulindo, Gakenke in the Northern Province, Nyabihu, Rubavu and Ngororero in the Western Province. The project was implemented by AJPRODHO in partnership with YWCA and CARE with funding from the European Union and Austrian Development Agency for a period of four years running from February 2015 to January 2019. Read More...
The overall objective of the YEIS project was to contribute to the elimination of poverty of youth between (16-30 years) dependent on the informal sector in Rwanda with a specific geographical coverage of seven districts namely; Nyarugenge, Kicukiro in Kigali City, Rulindo, Gakenke in the Northern Province, Nyabihu, Rubavu and Ngororero in the Western Province. The project was implemented by AJPRODHO in partnership with YWCA and CARE with funding from the European Union and Austrian Development Agency for a period of four years running from February 2015 to January 2019. Read More...