Enhancing Safe Water Supply and Solid Waste Management for the Vulnerable population affected by the Syria crisis in south Lebanon

Publication Date: 2018/09/20

For the water component, CARE International in Lebanon developed with good coordination mechanisms and collaboration with the different stakeholders, particularly South Lebanon Water Establishment and the municipalities. This great collaboration was very fruitful to identify the project objectives and the priority interventions on the water supply infrastructure. Both SLWE and the municipalities have positively received the collaboration and have shared available plans and data and have taken an active role in designing and selecting the interventions type and intervention areas. CARE met with the SLWE authorities to identify the most needed interventions in terms of access to water. The priorities shared by SLWE were discussed at WASH Sector level first in order to prevent overlapping among implementing agencies or intervention gaps. The municipal representatives were consulted to ensure alignment of municipal plans with SLWE’s plans. CARE WASH specialists examined the proposed options and discussed them with SLWE and with the municipalities in order to guarantee the impartiality of the selection, cost-effectiveness, and relevance to the mandate of the organisation. During the period of the enginnering design preparation done with Kredo Engineering, a change of the lines to be rehabilitated was raised compared to what was planned in the initial proposal and new targeted areas have been identified by SLWE in coordination with CARE WASH team to be included in the design package (see more details in R1). [42 pages]

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