ANCP CHIVI WASH Endline Survey Report

Publication Date: 2018/03/01

Care International in Zimbabwe, in partnership with Chivi Rural District Council (RDC) with funding from Care Australia has been implementing a WASH project termed; “Putting Women and Girls at the center of WASH and Health in Chivi district”. The funding which Care Australia availed to Care Zimbabwe was obtained from the Australian NGO Cooperative programme (ANCP) and other private and charitable organisations including Thank You. The project is hence commonly referred to as the ANCP Chivi WASH Project. The overall goal was to impact two categories of vulnerable women and children namely; (i) Rural and vulnerable girl children between the ages of 10-19 with limited choices and at high risk of early marriage, pregnancies and HIV and AIDS, and (ii) Poor rural women in female headed households unable to fully exercise their rights and residing in areas dependent on agricultural activities. [67 pages]

Evaluation Type