Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice (KAP) Study Under TARINA

Publication Date: 2019/01/30

The TATA-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition has been awarded a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to promote nutrition–sensitive food system in India that enhances the availability and affordability of diverse, high quality and nutrient rich foods for the rural poor; through the project known as Technical Assistance and Research for Indian Nutrition and Agriculture (TARINA). CARE India has been the implementing partner under TARINA for the project activities in Odisha across 72 villages in two districts i.e. Kandhamal and Kalahandi. The project commenced on November 2015 and is ongoing. Now that the project has reached its midline, CARE India intended to understand and assess the changes (desirable and undesirable) and impacts (positive and negative) of intervention made so far through conducting a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) study so that based on its recommendations, course correctional steps/actions can be taken to strengthen and maximize the positive impacts in the remaining years. The key objective of this study is to establish the impact of TARINA strategies on crop diversification and improved kitchen garden practices on diet diversity through technical assistance under TARINA project through assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of farmers. [64 pages]

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