Outcome Harvesting evaluation OIKKO (Unity): Bangladesh

Publication Date: 2019/09/13

OIKKO (Unity in Bangla) was a 3 year project (March 2015 – February 2018) delivered by CARE Bangladesh with support from CARE Austria, with funding from the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency. The overall objective of the project was: a strong and united civil society promotes the implementation of fundamental labour rights in the ready-made garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh.
OIKKO was implemented through the following actors: CARE Bangladesh and 3 partners Sheva Nari O Shishu Kallyan Kendra (SHEVA, Gazipur), Agrajattra (AJ, Chittagong), and Karmojibi Nari (KN).
The main interventions of the project were:
• Forming solidarity groups of women RMG workers known as EKATA (Empowering Through Knowledge and Transformative Action).
• EKATA members with a high leadership potential were selected to form larger Community Worker Associations (CWA) to facilitate engagement and participation in trade unions and federation.
• Form Community Support Groups to help foster a supportive environment for the project.
• A national platform to engage civil society.
• Gender sensitisation training for trade union and federation leaders.
• Publications including commissioned research on, for instance, minimum wage.
• A national convention to take stock of OIKKO and share achievements.

Evaluation Type