Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health and Nutrition Through Structural Solutions (Abdiboru Project) Baseline Quantitative Survey Report

Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health and Nutrition through Structural Solutions project (Abdiboru Project) is implemented in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The project is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project interventions are developed and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. Addis Continental Institute of Public Health is the research partner responsible for the research and evaluation components of the project. [115 pages]

Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES-BRACED)

The Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES) is a DFID funded project in Niger managed by CARE International UK and implemented by CARE Niger, TREE AID and the following local partners: AREN, MOREEBEN, and IDEES DUBARA, INRAN and AGRHYMET. The project is part of the programme Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED), comprising 15 projects in the Sahel, and South- Southeast Asia. PRESENCES was implemented for 3 years, from January 2015 to December 2017 and covered 12 rural communes of the Tillabéry region. Its principal outcome was to increase adaptation, anticipation and absorption capacity of poor and vulnerable women and men against climate extremes and disasters, through three main outputs:
1. Improved relevance, access to and use of climate information services, planning and risk management for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
2. Poor and vulnerable women and men are benefitting from sustainable and climate-resilient livelihood options.
3. Governance systems and structures at local, national and regional levels support equitable, sustainable and climate-resilient management of natural resources.


Bougainvillae Cocoa Families Support Project (BECOMES) Baseline

CARE PNG launched BECOMES project funded by the Government of Australia and the Government of New Zealand under the Commodity Support Facility (CSF). The project is for four years starting from July 2016 to June 2020, which aims to “improve the economic and social wellbeing of younger and older women and men in cocoa farming families in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB)”. In order to achieve its goal, the project will implement the following three objectives: 1. Smallholder families have improved social and technical capacities to manage their cocoa farming 2. Targeted smallholder families are demonstrating increased cooperation and collective action to increase production efficiency as well as enable market opportunities 3. Cocoa industry stakeholders have increased capacity to address the specific needs of smallholder cocoa farming families. [81 pages] Read More...

HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme III (HAPP III) in Sierra Leone

The HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP) III implemented in Sierra Leone, supports the financing of social marketing activities for condoms and the Impact Mitigation Funds (IMF) aimed at mitigating the social impact of HIV/AIDS. The project focuses on the prevention of GBV including FGC; prevention of HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancies as well as the empowerment of girls and women.1 The overall goal of HAPP III is to contribute to improved sexual and reproductive health of Sierra Leone. The programme was implemented from June 2013 to July 2017 and granted a no-cost extension to March 2018. This was to make up for 18 months of programme implementation time lost during the outbreak of the Ebola Viral Disease from the 24th May 2014 through 17th March 2016.

The overall purpose of the HAPP III end phase evaluation is to measure improvements in SRHR outcomes (specifically decrease of risk contact of HIV, increased use of condoms by the 15-24 year old generation, reduced stigmatization against people living with HIV and ratio of mother’s age 25-49 years who do not intend their daughters to be subjected to FGC). [70 pages] Read More...

Rapid Ebola Social Safety Net and Economic Recovery (RESSNER) Program

This report (74 pages) presents findings from the end line and end-of-project performance evaluation of the Rapid Ebola Social Safety Net and Economic Recovery (RESSNER) Program. The RESSNER program was designed to ‘provide immediate access to cash for purchase of basic food items and support to local economic recovery through unconditional cash transfers in nine Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) affected chiefdoms across the districts of Bombali (5 chiefdoms) and Tonkolili (4 chiefdoms)’. Overall the program targeted and reached a total of 8,100 extremely poor households with unconditional cash transfers (implemented in both phases) and 900 poor households with a one-off seed voucher (implemented in the 2nd phase only). The end line evaluation therefore covered these two phases of the program to document the extent to which the program contributed to restoring food security, improving economic recovery and reducing the negative coping mechanisms of EVD affected households in Bombali and Tonkolili districts in northern Sierra Leone.

The evaluation findings revealed that the RESSNER cash transfer program achieved its aim of providing support for immediate access to cash for basic food needs; and also resulted in other unexpected outcomes including economic independence, high dietary diversity and low hunger situation for extremely poor and vulnerable households. These achievements were evidenced from outcomes such as reduced negative coping strategies, high dietary diversity scores, low household hunger scale, expanded expenditures and improved economic activities (as sustainability strategies) among extremely poor households across communities in the two intervention districts. Read More...

Recherche formative sur les services liés à l’avortement dans le Nord-Kivu, RDC : conclusions tirées des résultats des structures soutenues et zones desservies par CARE dans les zones de santé de Kayna et Lubero

En collaboration avec l’Initiative RAISE, CARE a commencé à soutenir le Ministère de la Santé Publique (MSP) de la RDC, en 2009, pour fournir des services de contraception dans l'aire de santé de Kasongo dans la province du Maniema. Le programme Supporting Access to Family Planning and Post-Abortion Care in Emergencies [Soutenir l’accès à la planification familiale et aux soins après avortements dans les situations d’urgence] (SAFPAC) a appuyé 19 structures sanitaires dans les aires de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Kasongo (provinces du Nord-Kivu et du Maniema) dans un secteur couvrant environ 320 000 personnes sur la période 2011 – 2015. Le programme soutient actuellement 48 structures sanitaires dans les aires de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Butembo dans le Nord-Kivu et dessert une population d'environ de 915 538. Cet appui inclut le renforcement des capacités et la supervision facilitante des prestataires de service, grâce à la mise à disposition d'équipements et de fournitures pour les structures, à la sensibilisation et la mobilisation communautaire, et à terme, la prestation de services de contraception et de soins après avortement par le personnel formé dans les structures relevant du MSP. (60 pages) Read More...

Enquête communautaire sur la contraception et les soins après avortement

CARE, en collaboration avec RAISE, avait commencé à appuyer le ministère de la Santé Publique (MSP) de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) pour fournir des services contraceptifs au sein de la zone de santé de Kasongo dans la province du Maniema en 2009. Le programme SAFPAC, L'appui facilitant l’accès à la planification familiale et soins post avortement en situations d’urgence, appuie 19 structures sanitaires dans les zones de santé de Kayna, Lubero, Butembo et Kasongo (Provinces du Nord Kivu et du Maniema) couvrant une population d’à-peu-près 320.000 personnes entre 2011 et 2015. Actuellement, le programme couvre 48 structures sanitaires au sein des zones de santé de Lubero, Kayna et Butembo en province du Nord Kivu, servant une population de 915.538 personnes.

Pour promouvoir la capacité des femmes et adolescentes de prendre conscience de leurs droits d'accès aux services de santé de la reproduction de haute qualité dans cet environnement complexe, la stratégie de CARE porte sur quatre grands domaines d'intervention: 1) formation clinique basée sur les compétences complétée par des suivis et coaching des prestataires ; 2) pourvoie et appui à la chaine d’approvisionnement en contraceptifs et consommables médicaux ; 3) supervision basée sur les données en partenariat avec les autorités sanitaires locales ; 4) engagement des communautés à appuyer l’accès des femmes aux services de santé de la reproduction. Le programme CARE met l’accent sur une gouvernance par la communauté et se focalise sur les adolescents. Ces importantes approches transversales sont reflétées dans ce travail de santé de la reproduction par le biais d’une intensification de la mobilisation sociale visant les adultes et les adolescents pour faciliter l’accès à la contraception des adolescents, une représentation des communautés dans la gouvernance de la santé au niveau des structures sanitaires et des zones de santé, et les apports au niveau des parlements de jeunes focalisés vers les activités des adolescents là où c’est faisable et approprié comme par exemple parmi les déplacés aux environs de Goma dans le Nord Kivu.

En 2016 RAISE et CARE ont conduit une enquête communautaire pour évaluer le niveau des connaissances, les attitudes et comportements de femmes en ce qui concerne la contraception et les soins après avortement dans les zones de rayonnements des structures sanitaires appuyés par CARE au sein des zones de santé Lubero et Kayna dans le Nord Kivu. Read More...

CARE International in Iraq Endline Evaluation Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA Czech) Project

This project addresses critical needs for sanitation services in West Mosul, in coordination with local authorities currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and requiring support, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to return home. The project will directly repair two vital sanitation resources/infrastructure in West Mosul. The project will support the municipal authorities to build their capacity to eventually recover their costs, once the situation allows. Finally, the project will mobilize local communities towards greater ownership of/appreciation for their local environment, to avoid the recurrence of such sanitation risks and maintain a cleaner, more habitable environment. Additional to mitigating myriad health risks related to poor sanitation in urban areas among highly vulnerable returnees seeking to recover, this engagement will serve to promote social cohesion and community participation among vulnerable populations affected by conflict.
CARE set a 4months as duration for WASH Project in Al-Thawra neighborhood in order to help and serve about 1166 family (about 7000 individuals) including host community and IDPs. Project is mainly about renovation of sewage system for pipes need to be repair and fix. Rehabilitate the drills caused by the battles of the last conflict and there is no governor attention to fix this issue. (15 pgs)


This End of Project Evaluation Report on the Community Driven Models for Equitable Services (COMEQs) solid waste project in four peri-urban settlements of Lusaka District (Chipata, Ng’ombe, Chaisa and Kanyama) starts by looking at the background and context of solid waste management and goes on to define concepts of waste, solid waste and solid waste management. It is very clear from several reports that Zambia’s current solid waste management system does not provide a clear roadmap on the management of solid waste as evidenced by piles of garbage lying uncollected in many major cities including Lusaka.
This End of Project Evaluation Report on the Community Driven Models for Equitable Services (COMEQS) solid waste project, was commissioned by CARE International Zambia, CARE UK, COMEQS Project Team and the key project stakeholders. The overall goal of the summative end of project evaluation is to inform stakeholders the progress and change that the project has made in the communities of the targeted peri urban settlements of Lusaka. (60 pages) Read More...

Final evaluation of Maternal New Born and Child Health in district two of Kabul City, Afghanistan.

CARE International in Afghanistan has been implementing community based MNCH project in district 1. Recently, CARE started to expand its program to district 2 of Kabul city. The final evaluation intends to generate information that will be used to compare the contribution of Opportunity for Mothers and Infants Development (OMID) project against baseline. A Cross-sectional descriptive study design has been used to provide information on the change in key knowledge, attitude and practice variables related to maternal, newborn and child health. The objectives of the final evaluation: 1) To assess progress towards meeting the three project outcomes. 2) To compare the contribution of OMID project against baseline findings and recommendations 3) To ascertain the degree of achievement and progress toward project output, outcome and overall objective as set in project proposal and logical framework living children. 4) To assess if the project has potential to be scaled-up, replicated and/or adjusted to improve program quality under any potential extension phases based on experience to date. Read More...

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