
Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project (MPNP) Final Report

The Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project (MPNP) was a project being implemented by CARE India with funds from Cargill, addressing malnutrition in three districts of Chattarpur, Tikamgarh and Panna in the Bundelkhand region of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The project was aimed towards achieving reduction in underweight (severe underweight) and undernutrition among children and creating awareness on issues associated with malnutrition. It also aimed to strengthen governance, accountability and mutual responsibility of service providers and communities. As the project was an opportunity to provide long term support to the state government’s Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) which was attempting to harness human, institutional and financial resources with high quality and with an increase precision and efficiency. Read More...

Enhancing the Sustainable Farming Initiative through Gender and Nutrition (EnSIGN) Project Endline Study

Enhancing the Sustainable Farming Initiative through Gender and Nutrition (EnSIGN) is a nutrition sensitive pilot intervention. It seeks to integrate gender and nutrition into PepsiCo’s Sustainable Farming Initiative. The project is implemented by CARE. The project intervention site is Kotulpur block. The block is predominantly rural and is situated in Bankura district of West Bengal - a medium ranking state of India. IIHMR University has carried out the endline evaluation of the project. A mixed methods approach has been used. The study complies with the cardinal principles of research ethics. EnSIGN project is robustly relevant. It fulfils the global development agenda and has a nutrition sensitive design. The project intervention site has high levels of iron deficiency anemia in women, thereby justifying its selection. Read More...

The Power to Lead Alliance (PTLA): Empowering Girls to Learn and Lead Final Evaluation

This 73-page final report on the Power to Lead Alliance (PTLA) was funded by USAID for implementation in six countries: Egypt, Honduras, India, Malawi, Tanzania, and Yemen over the course of three years. The project, which began in September 2008 and ended in September 2011, focused on 10- to 14-year-old girls as the target population. The primary goal of PTLA was to promote girl leaders in vulnerable communities. Three objectives were formulated to address this goal:

Objective 1: Cultivate opportunities for girls to practice their leadership skills
Objective 2: Create partnerships to promote girls’ leadership
Objective 3: Enhance knowledge to implement and promote girls’ leadership programs

Pathways india endline report

This 92 page final evaluation showcases TANGO's findings on CARE's Pathways program in India Read More...

India kellogg women smallholders and maize 05-16

This 16 page report highlights the results of the Empowering Women Smallholders and Enhancing Maize ... Read More...

Banking on Change Final Evaluation

Banking on Change, a partnership between Barclays Bank, CARE UK and Plan UK was established in 2009 to deliver a savings-led microfinance programme with the aim of improving the financial inclusion of people in 11 countries across Africa, Asia and South America. Using a savings led microfinance methodology, BoC Change mobilised individuals into savings groups so they could save regularly, and in turn borrow small amounts at a fair rate of interest. [89 pages] Read More...

Kutch Livelihood and Education Advancement Project (K-LEAP) Endline Evaluation

This 60 page document reports the results of the K-LEAP Project funded by Cargill Read More...

Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) Endline Report

This 74 page document reports the results of the WtRF project in the Jashpur district of India. Read More...

Early Childhood Care Cover Page

The ECDE project implemented in Chattisgarh focuses towards strengthening five domains – Health, Nut... Read More...

Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV & AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Baseline Report

Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV & AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Read More...

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