Gender Equality
Scaling Up Farmer Field and Business Schools in Coffee Communities: Uganda Baseline Report Summary
This report presents the key findings of a benchmarking assessment of the Scaling Up Farmer Field and Business Schools in Coffee Communities (SUFFBS-C) project, which aims to promote gender-equitable economic empowerment for 4,000 women farmers and their households in the coffee-growing communities of the Rwenzori subregion. The project is structured around four expected outcomes: (1) increased access and control of women and girls over productive resources; (2) enhanced positive gender and social norms; (3) alternative livelihood options and inclusive markets; and (4) strengthened leadership capacities of women farmers and women’s organizations to advocate for gender-equitable agricultural productivity. The baseline study surveyed 389 respondents (79% female, average age 45), with a strong participation rate (95%). Key findings include improved access to resources, with 78% of women having access to financial services and 74% securing land use rights, although significant challenges remain, particularly in credit access and digital financial services. The study also highlighted barriers to the adoption of new agricultural practices and limitations in leadership training, underscoring ongoing gender-based disparities that hinder women's economic empowerment. These challenges are compounded by deeply rooted social norms, particularly concerning land ownership and decision-making, with married women facing additional restrictions. This evaluation reveals crucial insights into the barriers that need to be addressed for enhancing women's economic potential in these communities. Read More...
Informe Final: Línea de Base proyecto Guardianas del Cambio
The "Guardianas del Cambio" project, implemented by CARE Perú and Humanity & Inclusion with USAID funding, aims to reduce the vulnerability of girls, adolescents, and women in Amazonas and Loreto to climate change-induced natural risks. The project focuses on enhancing their adaptive capacities and fostering their participation in creating sustainable local solutions. A baseline study was conducted, involving 1,031 students and 50 adults through surveys. Key findings include that 19% of students adopted climate adaptation measures, 2.7% participated in climate-related decision-making spaces, and over 50% engaged in civic activities. Additionally, 58.91% of students agreed with principles of gender equality, and 21.01% of female students reported strengthened competencies in equity, respect, and social participation. The study also identified two nature-based solutions implemented at the municipal level with an intersectional approach. Data collection emphasized representativeness, confidentiality, and comprehensive analysis using indices to assess project indicators.
Total Page Count: 129
Total Page Count: 129
Projet De Renforcement Du Systeme De Sante Primaire Et Secondaire Dans Les Zones De Sante De Beni Et Butembo Au Nord Kivu En Rd Congo
The HUAMSI project, implemented in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, sought to strengthen the primary and secondary healthcare systems to ensure equitable access for all, especially vulnerable populations, and to enhance resilience against epidemiological shocks. This document serves as the final evaluation report for the HUAMSI project, assessing its overall impact, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and relevance. It highlights the project's achievements, such as improved maternal and child health services, increased access to sexual and reproductive health care, and enhanced community resilience through initiatives like capacity-building and infrastructure development. Additionally, it identifies challenges, including gaps in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure and medical supply chains, while offering recommendations for sustaining and scaling the project's outcomes.
Partners : CARE International, World Vision (Lead), PEPSI, PPSP, Provincial Health Division of North Kivu
Total page count: 52
Partners : CARE International, World Vision (Lead), PEPSI, PPSP, Provincial Health Division of North Kivu
Total page count: 52
Executive Summary – Curiosity Collective II: Are VSLA feminist platforms for gender transformation?
Report Length -3
This executive summary draws on the findings from Curiosity Collective II, a study conducted in early 2020 in West Africa, with a focus on the gender-transformative potential of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). The research evaluates how VSLAs can be a platform for challenging patriarchal structures that normalize violence and discrimination against women and girls. It applies CARE's Gender Equality Framework, which operates across three domains: Agency, Relations, and Structure. Over six days, the study assessed 13 VSLAs (both women-only and mixed groups) across Niger and Côte d'Ivoire, engaging local NGOs and feminist groups to explore VSLAs' roles in promoting gender transformation.
The study offers key recommendations, such as developing gender-based measurement tools, investing in women-only VSLA groups, integrating GBV risk mitigation, and engaging men and boys to challenge patriarchal norms. Additionally, it advocates for linking VSLA women to local women’s rights organizations to enhance political participation and addressing exclusion by adapting VSLAs to include marginalized groups such as LGBTQ+ individuals and survivors of violence. Read More...
This executive summary draws on the findings from Curiosity Collective II, a study conducted in early 2020 in West Africa, with a focus on the gender-transformative potential of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs). The research evaluates how VSLAs can be a platform for challenging patriarchal structures that normalize violence and discrimination against women and girls. It applies CARE's Gender Equality Framework, which operates across three domains: Agency, Relations, and Structure. Over six days, the study assessed 13 VSLAs (both women-only and mixed groups) across Niger and Côte d'Ivoire, engaging local NGOs and feminist groups to explore VSLAs' roles in promoting gender transformation.
The study offers key recommendations, such as developing gender-based measurement tools, investing in women-only VSLA groups, integrating GBV risk mitigation, and engaging men and boys to challenge patriarchal norms. Additionally, it advocates for linking VSLA women to local women’s rights organizations to enhance political participation and addressing exclusion by adapting VSLAs to include marginalized groups such as LGBTQ+ individuals and survivors of violence. Read More...
Curiosity Collective II : Are VSLA feminist platforms for gender transformation?
CARE has worked with Village Savings and Loans Associations (VLSAs) since 1991. Their success has been primarily measured, since then, in terms of women’s economic agency. However, there is evidence that VSLAs have broader impacts, particularly in relation to gender equality for women and
girls. To date, there has still been little consistent investment in capturing these gender transformational impacts such as how VSLAs have promoted women’s dignity, women’s voice, challenged gender stereotypes and dismantled patriarchal power dynamics; all of which are changes CARE seeks in its gender equality framework.
This paper focuses on the gender transformative aspects of the VSLAs. It explores how VSLAs can be a platform to challenge patriarchal structures that discriminate against and normalize violence against women and girls. It builds on a Meta Evaluation, Curiosity Collective I carried out by the West Africa region Read More...
girls. To date, there has still been little consistent investment in capturing these gender transformational impacts such as how VSLAs have promoted women’s dignity, women’s voice, challenged gender stereotypes and dismantled patriarchal power dynamics; all of which are changes CARE seeks in its gender equality framework.
This paper focuses on the gender transformative aspects of the VSLAs. It explores how VSLAs can be a platform to challenge patriarchal structures that discriminate against and normalize violence against women and girls. It builds on a Meta Evaluation, Curiosity Collective I carried out by the West Africa region Read More...
Curiosity Collective : Evidence of Social Changes for Women in Savings Groups
CARE has been working with Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) since it first launched the model in Niger in 1991. Over the years, VSLAs have reached more 7.6 MILLION members to form 357,000 groups in 51 countries. 81% of these members are women.
The economic impacts of the groups are well documented. Women and men in VSLA groups save between an estimated $400 and $700 million each year. In West Africa, 3.2 million women participate in VSLA. The savings and credit can be transformational, helping women start businesses, pay school fees, and access emergency loans when they have a crisis in the family. A randomized controlled trial of VSLAs conducted by Innovations for Poverty Action showed that VSLAs substantially increased women’s access to financial services, income, and ability to start businesses.
Perhaps more important, but less formally documented, is the impact that VSLAs have on women themselves, and the social fabric of their communities. Anecdotally, women themselves often point to increases in self-confidence, independence, and a greater belief in their own ability to change things in their lives, as the VSLA impacts that are most important to them. For example, one woman in Niger says, “[VSLA]1 has opened my eyes
and now I do not hide anymore and I speak a lot.”
The economic impacts of the groups are well documented. Women and men in VSLA groups save between an estimated $400 and $700 million each year. In West Africa, 3.2 million women participate in VSLA. The savings and credit can be transformational, helping women start businesses, pay school fees, and access emergency loans when they have a crisis in the family. A randomized controlled trial of VSLAs conducted by Innovations for Poverty Action showed that VSLAs substantially increased women’s access to financial services, income, and ability to start businesses.
Perhaps more important, but less formally documented, is the impact that VSLAs have on women themselves, and the social fabric of their communities. Anecdotally, women themselves often point to increases in self-confidence, independence, and a greater belief in their own ability to change things in their lives, as the VSLA impacts that are most important to them. For example, one woman in Niger says, “[VSLA]1 has opened my eyes
and now I do not hide anymore and I speak a lot.”
Examining Barriers to Family Planning Information, Products, and Services Among Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Poland (English)
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Family Planning in Poland Assessment Report: This report examines barriers Ukrainian refugees and Polish host communities face in accessing family planning (FP) services. Refugees struggle with financial obstacles like transportation and private healthcare costs, compounded by Poland’s restrictive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) policies. The report highlights the potential of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) to improve access to FP services, with the need for contextual adaptation to Poland’s healthcare system.
Poland SRHR Stakeholder Workshop Learning Brief (August 2024): This brief shares insights from a workshop on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) for Ukrainian refugees and Polish communities. It identified financial barriers, restrictive policies, and stigma as major challenges, and explored how CVA could improve SRH access by partnering with local stakeholders and adapting to Poland's restrictive policy environment. Read More...
Poland SRHR Stakeholder Workshop Learning Brief (August 2024): This brief shares insights from a workshop on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) for Ukrainian refugees and Polish communities. It identified financial barriers, restrictive policies, and stigma as major challenges, and explored how CVA could improve SRH access by partnering with local stakeholders and adapting to Poland's restrictive policy environment. Read More...
Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Program III (GEWEP III) Midterm Study GLOBAL SYNTHESIS REPORT (PROMEESS III)
Across six countries, this study examines the effect of a men’s and boys’ engagement intervention—aiming to change men’s and boys’ attitudes and behaviors around gender equality, women’s empowerment, and positive masculinities; including participants’ own masculine identity—and the state of civil society’s rights and protections, tracing improvement and erosion since 2020. Importantly, this is not an evaluation, rather this is a midterm study that comes alongside the Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Program III (GEWEP) implemented by CARE International. Instead of evaluating this program, this study focuses narrowly on the attitudinal and behavioral impact of this model intervention for engaging men and boys. GEWEP also sought to contribute to the civil society space, and thus we conclude this study with a discussion of the unique experiences of women’s rights and women-led organizations that did and did not partner with GEWEP teams.
To generate this global report, the Research Team both drew on the six country reports which accompany this study and engaged in entirely new analyses. Analysis for this global report pooled data from all six countries, while using analytical techniques to identify where any one country unduly influenced findings at the global level. To strike this balance between common tendencies across countries, and differences between countries, this study takes care to identify and report country-specific results alongside global findings. This is especially true where we identified countries as unique outliers.
For the section on men’s engagement, the Research Team leveraged an experimental design, advanced statistical methods, and multiple sources and types of data, including a multi-country survey with 3,226 respondents, to investigate the relationship between men’s engagement, including their level of engagement (“treatment saturation”), in program activities and associated changes in their attitudes and behaviors towards women and girls, gender equality, violence against women and girls, and masculinity. Across six countries—Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Niger, and Rwanda—the Research Team explores common factors that influence treatment effect, positively and negatively.
Donor: NORAD
To generate this global report, the Research Team both drew on the six country reports which accompany this study and engaged in entirely new analyses. Analysis for this global report pooled data from all six countries, while using analytical techniques to identify where any one country unduly influenced findings at the global level. To strike this balance between common tendencies across countries, and differences between countries, this study takes care to identify and report country-specific results alongside global findings. This is especially true where we identified countries as unique outliers.
For the section on men’s engagement, the Research Team leveraged an experimental design, advanced statistical methods, and multiple sources and types of data, including a multi-country survey with 3,226 respondents, to investigate the relationship between men’s engagement, including their level of engagement (“treatment saturation”), in program activities and associated changes in their attitudes and behaviors towards women and girls, gender equality, violence against women and girls, and masculinity. Across six countries—Afghanistan, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Niger, and Rwanda—the Research Team explores common factors that influence treatment effect, positively and negatively.
Donor: NORAD