early childhood

The First 1000 Days, Phase III in Sekong and Phongsaly Provinces

The First 1000 Days Project Phase III focuses on improving maternal and child mortality, improving health outcomes for women, adolescents, and children in the first 1,000 days of the life of children in Sekong and Phongsaly Provinces as well as to support poor and vulnerable households in remote, rural areas to facilitate access to and improve the quality of nutrition-related health services for mothers and children and improve food and nutrition security for community members. The project also integrates adolescent sexual reproductive health, women’s economic empowerment, responses to gender based violence, and stakeholder engagement in health.
This report examines the health, nutrition, and economic empowerment of women, adolescents, and children in Phongsaly and Sekong provinces of Laos. The baseline assessment aimed to understand the current situation and identify areas where interventions could have the greatest impact. Data was collected through a combination of surveys, focus group discussions, key informant interview with key stakeholders and interviews with mother of CU5, adolescent (age 15-19), men, healthcare providers, and community leaders.
The results showed that despite high antenatal care (ANC) utilization rates in both Phongsaly and Sekong, there remains room for improvement in overall healthcare delivery, particularly around childbirth. Home births remain common, highlighting the need for increased access to skilled birth attendants at health facilities and mobile outreach services. Sekong lags behind Phongsaly in skilled birth attendance rates.
Another area requiring attention is postnatal care. While attendance is satisfactory, there's potential to improve these services. Additionally, a concerning practice of some women lying over fire after childbirth needs to be addressed due to potential health risks.
Regarding family planning, awareness and usage vary significantly between the two provinces, with Phongsaly showing higher rates. Sekong especially needs increased access to family planning services, while both provinces could benefit from addressing confidentiality concerns surrounding these services, particularly in Phongsaly.
Food and nutrition security presents a significant challenge, as nutrition indicators showed poor nutritional status of children. Stunting rates among children under five are high, particularly in Sekong. Both provinces struggle with low dietary diversity, lacking adequate consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and animal source proteins. While breastfeeding practices show positive trends in early initiation and colostrum feeding, there remains poor long-term rates of exclusive breastfeed. Sekong has lower rates of early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding duration compared to Phongsaly, and even in Phongsaly, many mothers wean before the recommended 6 months. Read More...


El proyecto de ayuda humanitaria “Alimenta su Fuerza” en su segunda etapa, fue ejecutado por CARE Perú y financiado por el Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP); su continuidad nació de la iniciativa para dar respuesta a la crisis alimentaria generada como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 debido a medidas restrictivas que afectaron el ingreso económico de muchas familias y con ello la posibilidad de cubrir necesidades básicas. El proyecto tuvo como finalidad mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de la población en situación de vulnerabilidad, brindando apoyo alimentario con raciones nutritivas a través de espacios estratégicos como los comedores auto gestionados adscritos al Programa de Complementación Alimentaria de los gobiernos locales, a su vez de forma complementaria se incorporó un piloto para la prevención de la anemia en niños y niñas de 6 a 36 meses, que consistió en la entrega de preparaciones que incluyeron alimentos fuente de hierro, para ello se articuló acciones con establecimientos de salud y agentes comunitarios de la zona, así mismo se brindó acompañamiento a las madres o cuidadoras de los niños y niñas para que mejoren las prácticas de alimentación y accedan a los servicios de salud para la prevención y reducción de la anemia. Read More...

Informe Final del Proyecto “Combatiendo la Anemia en el Centro Poblado de Cieneguillo Centro en Sullana II”

CBC PERUANA S.A.C, en el marco de su contribución para el Desarrollo Social del país, ha promovido y financiado el proyecto Combatiendo la Anemia en el Centro Poblado de Cieneguillo Centro en Sullana como parte de su programa de responsabilidad social. El Proyecto aportó a la mejora de las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones del área de influencia de la empresa. La finalidad del proyecto fue, a través de diversas acciones, contribuir a mejorar el estado de salud general de los niños menores de 36 meses en la Región Piura. Por encargo de CBC, CARE Perú es la Institución responsable de la ejecución de la cuarta fase del proyecto, en el período de 2019 a diciembre 2019.
Para el 2019, el objetivo de CBC de la mano de CARE Perú, se orientó a lograr la sostenibilidad de todas las acciones desarrolladas en la fase previa del Proyecto (2018), de manera que las estrategias sean efectivamente apropiadas por las autoridades locales y regionales, especialmente en el marco del cambio de gobierno. Por ello, la incidencia política en los nuevos representantes.

This is a summary on anemia indicators in Cieneguillo village. This report shows the statistical processing of indicators, the tests applied to validate the information such as: T-student test, Wilcoxon, Chi-squared and Anova. Read More...

Mozambique Early Childhood Development Full Impact Report

This 106 page document looks at CARE ECD program was funded by the Hilton Foundation from 2013 to 2016. Two districts were selected in Inhambane Province that would allow us to illustrate a home-based ECD approach in remote rural villages (Funhalouro) as well as in rural villages closer to urban centers and resources (Homoine). One of the aims was to make sure that the Mozambican government had an example of an ECD model that could work in contexts where a pre-school model would have little chance of being successful. Read More...

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