Bosnia and Herzegovina

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The CARE project team has collected and analysed baseline data regarding each project partner. The information collected has allowed us to have a clearer picture of each partners’ current capacity, needs and areas for further improvement. This information was collected during the last quarter of 2019 and is presented below for each partner organisation. Read More...


The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans or the Young Men’s Initiative II (YMI II) project is a follow-up to CARE’s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender-based violence (GBV), as well as to improve gender equality in the region and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence.

The Endline Assessment was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the overall project progress, focusing on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to gender-based violence, gender equality, healthy lifestyles amongst young men and young women from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo* who participated in ‘Program Y’ in target schools in the period 2018-2020. The endline assessment examined the effects of project activities on: views regarding gender relations; health of young men and women, including mental health, use of psychoactive substances; knowledge about sexual reproductive health; experience of young people who suffered and perpetrated violence. Read More...


Young Men Initiative – Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes II or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project builds upon CARE´s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender-based violence (GBV) as well as to improve gender equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence. The project’s overall goal was to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender-equitable lifestyles among young men and young women in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The endline survey is carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the overall project progress focusing on changes in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors related to gender-based violence, gender equality, healthy lifestyles among young men and young women from Bosnia and Herzegovina who were participating in the ‘Program Y’ in target schools in the period from 2018-2020. It assessed whether there were differences in attitudes, knowledge and behavior of young men and young women before and after the completion of the project activities in high schools. The endline survey examined the effects of project activities on the following spheres: views regarding gender relations; health of young men and young women, including mental health and the use of psychoactive substances; knowledge about sexual and reproductive health; experience of youngsters with suffered and perpetrated violence.
The project is organized and supported by CARE International, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Oak Foundation. It was implemented with the cooperation of local youth and non-governmental organizations: Association “XY” (Sarajevo), Perpetuum mobile – Institute for Youth and Community Development (Banja Luka), NGO “Youth Power” (Mostar) and youth NGOs: Forum Theatre (East Sarajevo), New Vision, (Novi Travnik), Otaharin (Bijeljina), Zemlja djece u BiH (Tuzla), Proni (Brčko), Youth Club “Pod istim suncem” (Jablanica).

Midterm project evaluation: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

General objective:
‘Enhance the role of civil society actors in BiH, in providing services for marginalized populations and participating in design and implementation of relevant policies.’

Expected results:
O1 Strengthened organisational capacity and management of 7 targeted civil society organisations (CSOs) in BiH.

O2 Service provision of 7 targeted CSOs improved to meet the needs of their target groups (TG).

O3 7 targeted CSOs have strengthened their advocacy position and improved policies in specific areas of their mandate.

FINAL EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT “Sports for Social Change and Inclusion”

The project is implemented from May 2016 until July 2019 by CARE International in partnership with the Association Otaharin from Bijeljina. This report presents the final evaluation of the project.

The overall target of the project was the improvement of the living conditions of Roma children in Bijeljina. The project focused on improvement of the school education of Roma children and their living conditions through sport and art activities, combined with youth and parent group work and school support. The core activity of the project was to organize a football team and football school Otaharin. Playing football should have been the main motive for children (but also parents) to improve their attendance at school, hygiene, increase self-confidence and social behaviour. Beside playing football, the other activities of the project were financing meals for a public kitchen, provision and awarding of school material for poorer children of primary school age, provision of football playground by signing a contract with professional football teams and coaches, awarding of school scholarships for poorer children of primary school age, providing healthy food and drinks at trainings, organizing mandatory workshops for children and parents in order to increase their various social capacities. Read More...

Evidence of Change In Gender Equality and Women‘s Empowerment in the Balkans 2005-2012

This is a report about CARE’s work to advance gender equality in the Balkans and what we have achieved over the past seven years. Our goal is to give account and to demonstrate our commitment to change the lives of the people we serve. We want to illustrate the real life impact of the work we do with our partners and to document the process, methods and the tools used. We want to show that what we and partners have achieved, is relevant to the regional context and that our approaches and methodologies make a demonstrable difference. We also want to learn from our challenges and limitations, and we will use these lessons in our future work. Read More...

Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Young Men Initiative Project (YMI)

46 final evaluation of "Young Men Initiative - Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes". CARE worked in partnership with three experienced local youth non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Sarajevo (Association "XY"), Banja Luka (Institute for Youth and Community Development "Perpetuum Mobile") and Mostar ("Youth Power"), which further built capacities of other youth NGOs in 10-15 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this project, over 10,000 young people in BiH were directly targeted through a range of activities. The intervention intended to address harmful lifestyles that impact both young men and young women. The project is supported by the Swiss Confederation represented by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs acting through the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read More...

For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Project Baseline Report

35 page baseline assessment of the FAIR II project is being implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbia and Montenegro by CARE and three established local Roma women lead civil society organization and presents a continuation and upgrade of CARE Balkans focus on empowering Roma women and girls to become agents of change in their families and communities, but also contribute to improved structures and practices addressing women’s rights and social inclusion, on national and regional levels. The intention is to impact directly lives of at least 7,000 people, mainly Roma women and girls and men and boys in 27 Roma communities in the three target countries through a wide range of mutually intertwined and reinforcing activities. This assessment is an initial information base, but also a set of recommended actions to be addressed by the project team, partners included, and as such used as a tool for monitoring project’s progress and effectiveness.

Empowering Roma Women in B&H Final Evaluation

The overall project aim was to contribute to the promotion of minority and human rights, eradication... Read More...

Inclusive Economic Growth and Employment Generation Final Evaluation

This 28 page document highlights the results of the Birač svoju project funded by the European Union Read More...

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