Papua New Guinea

PNG Coffee Industry Support Project Mid-term Evaluation Report

The Coffee Industry Support Project (CISP) is funded by the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program and implemented by CARE International in Papua New Guinea (CARE). It supports coffee industry stakeholders in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea to mainstream gender equity in their policies, practices and approaches. CISP increases women’s access to training and extension services. It improves family business management practices so smallholder coffee farming families can work together more effectively. This enables the whole family to benefit from coffee production and income. This evaluation was a mid-term review of Phase 2, focusing on the period mid-2015 to early 2017. The evaluation assessed if the Project model was good value for money; the extent to which it was meeting its objectives; and to provide advice to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on whether to fund the continuation of this phase [48 pages] Read More...

Improving Community Climate Resilience in Nissan Final Evaluation

CARE International in PNG is supporting women and men living on Nissan and Pinepel Island to build resilience to the impacts of climate change. The communities that live on these remote coral atolls in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are highly exposed to the impacts of climate change. Support has been provided the ”Improving Community Resilience in Nissan” project since April 2015. The overall objective of the project is: “Increased community resilience to the impacts of climate change, through improved coastal and marine resource management and enhanced livelihoods in Nissan District” The project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Pacific American Climate Fund (PACAM). [53 pages] Read More...

Highlands Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health (HSRMH) Project

A 36 page document outlining and evaluating the HSRMH project that was implemented in Siaka, Papua New Guinea. A highly impactful tool used in this project was a series of educational workshops, aimed at local communities (both men and women). These programs helped to explore how traditional customs and gender norms can negatively affect sexual, reproductive and maternal health, further detailed in this document. Read More...

Coffee industry support prgram mid-term review

This mid-term evaluation measures progress in CARE's Coffee Industry Support Program in Papua New Gu... Read More...


This 131 page document describes the results of the ICDP pilot project Read More...

Care png cisp pngce baseline report

This 64 page document is the findings of the baseline for Coffee Industry Support Project, looking a... Read More...

Integrated Community Development Program (ICDP) Mid Term Review Report

The Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP), a community development and governance strengthening program Read More...

The Drought and Frost Response Programmes Evalaution


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