
Child Survival Project Final Evaluation


Keneya ciwara final performance report october 2003-september 2008


Ciwara evaluation final

Final Evaluation

Malaria Outreach and Safety Initiative (MOSI) Project Midterm

The purpose of the project is to reduce malaria-related mortality and morbidity among children under... Read More...

Promoting food access, rights and community mobilization final eval report

The goal of the project is to promote self-reliance in food production and increase food security by... Read More...

Farta Child Survival Project Final Evaluation

The Farta Woreda Child Survival Project is a five-year Child Survival Project implemented by CARE Ethiopia (October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2007). The project aims to improve the health of children under five and women of childbearing age by focusing on the following interventions: Nutrition (35%), Pneumonia Case Management (25%) and Control of Diarrheal Disease (20%). Read More...

Etude de base initiatives en faveur de la nutrition et de la démographie (ppind)

This 96 page document presents the baseline findings for the for the Initiative promoting nutrition ... Read More...

Balasahyoga Project Evaluation Report

206-page evaluation of the BSY programme that aims to provide high-quality and comprehensive prevention, treatment, care and support services to the children and their families (40,000 households, reaching 60,000 adults and 68,000 children) infected with or affected by HIV in 11 districts in Andhra Pradesh through a phased approach. It aims to improve the quality of life and well-being of these children and their families. Read More...

Consortium for Rehabilitation and Development (CORAD) Development Relief Program (DRP) Impact Assessment Report

DRP program aimed to: improve the health status of 15,800 rural food insecure households (Program Ob... Read More...

Indonesia pena ii endofproject 06 (1)

The PENA II project was carried out in Kupang and Timor Tengah Utara district districts in Nusa Teng... Read More...

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