
Bol – hailstorm response – sp – jun 02

Mitigar los efectos de la riada del 19 de febrero de 2002 producidos en las comunidades de Río Abajo Read More...

Final evaluation child survival

The CS project was designed to reduce maternal and child mortality (under five years) by improving m... Read More...

Final whdp evaluation 4.18.02 (2)

The goal of the WHDP was to improve household income and nutritional status by increasing the amount... Read More...

Child Survival Project Final Report

Reducing child mortality through maternal and child health and control of malaria and diarrhea. Read More...

Kordofan Reproductive Health Project (KRHP) Final Evaluation

Objectives: to determine the end of year final level of project indicators with respect to availabil... Read More...

Lessons learned from CARE’s Communications in the Afghanistan Crisis


Final evaluation camri

This report covers the period January 2001- February 2002 and is the final report for the CARE Angol... Read More...

Fope end report final 02-02

Objective: to ensure household food security and income from production and sale of key subsistence ... Read More...

City Forum Program Final Evaluation

CARE developed City Forums in order to increase community participation in the planning of local inf... Read More...

North Kordofan Water Harvesting Project Final Narrative Report

Over 85% of households are engaged in rain-fed subsistence agriculture. Project beneficiaries obtain... Read More...

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