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Search Results: [보안급만남] www-vone-pw 캠퍼스타운역데이트앱 캠퍼스타운역데이팅⊱캠퍼스타운역독신✼캠퍼스타운역돌싱⒜ㄅ涹eyetooth

KIWI kids – Kids Welcome Initiative: Life skills, education and the promotion of integration of refugees in primary schools in Germany

Seit Anfang 2015 sind mehr als eine Millionen Menschen neu nach Deutschland gekommen. Rund 40 Prozent der Zugewanderten befinden sich im schulpflichtigen Alter. Anders als in höheren Altersgruppen ist in diesem Alterssegment der Anteil von Mädchen gegenüber Jungen gleich hoch. Damit können in diesen Altersklassen insbesondere zugewanderte Mädchen gestärkt und gefördert werden. Studien zufolge sind Schulen mehrheitlich noch nicht ausreichend auf die Herausforderung der Arbeit mit zugewanderten Schüler*innen vorbereitet (z.B. IQB-Bildungstrends 2018). Dafür benötigen Lehrkräfte insbesondere interkulturelle Kompetenzen. Diese neue Situation verlangt von allen in Deutschland lebenden Menschen vermehrte Anstrengungen aufeinander zuzugehen. Ein gutes Zusammenleben macht es erforderlich, die Selbstwirksamkeit von (zugewanderten) Menschen zu stärken und sie zu aktiven Mitgestaltenden der Gesellschaft zu machen. Daraus folgt, dass der Zugang zu Integration und gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe über die Sozialisationsinstanz „Schule“ nicht früh genug erfolgen kann. Das KIWI kids-Projekt setzt dort an.

KIWI steht für die Begriffe „Kultur“, „Interkulturalität“, „Werte“ und „Initiative“. Ziel des KIWI kids- Projektes ist es, durch Soziales und Interkulturelles Lernen die Integrationspotentiale sowie das Engagement von Kindern mit Flucht- oder Migrationsgeschichte und deren Lehr- und Fachkräfte nachhaltig zu stärken. Damit werden Klassen- und Schulgemeinschaften bei einer nachhaltigen, diversitätssensiblen Öffnung und Schulentwicklung unterstützt. Ein besonderer Fokus des KIWI kids- Projektes liegt dabei auf dem Empowerment von Kindern, der Stärkung ihrer Selbstwirksamkeit sowie dem Abbau von Diskriminierung zwischen Kindern diverser kultureller Identitäten. Read More...

Kinder und Jugendliche Willkommen KIWI Project III Wirkungsbericht 2020

The KIWI project has been in existence since the beginning of 2016. The pilot phase in North Rhine-Westphalia (January to September 2016) was financed entirely by donations from the alliance Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Funding from the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the RTL Foundation "We Help Children" and the UN Refugee Aid enabled us to expand the program nationwide. Subsequently, we were able to consolidate and further expand KIWI nationwide through funding from the EU's AMIF programme and again from the Deutsche Bank Foundation. The promotion of school projects for the design of diversity and encounters and the awarding of the KIWI prize are part of an accompanying project financed by the Deutsche Bank Foundation. This first impact report according to the Social Reporting Standard includes the results of the third project phase as well as the accompanying project. We also report on the development process of KIWI as a "learning" project. Further funding from the RTL foundation "We help children" gave us the opportunity to transfer the KIWI approach to primary education as part of the KIWI kids pilot project (September 2018 – February 2020). This publication also provides a brief overview of the main results of this pilot phase.

Das KIWI-Projekt existiert seit Anfang 2016. Die Pilotphase in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Januar bis September 2016) wurde vollständig aus Spenden des Bündnisses Aktion Deutschland Hilft finanziert. Eine Förderung durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung, der Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ sowie der UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe ermöglichte uns die bundesweite Ausdehnung des Programms. Im Anschluss konnten wir durch eine Förderung aus dem AMIF-Programm der EU und wiederum der Deutsche Bank Stiftung KIWI bundesweit konsolidieren und weiter ausbauen. Die Förderung von Schulprojekten zur Gestaltung von Vielfalt und Begegnung und die Verleihung des KIWI-Preises sind Bestandteil eines durch die Deutsche Bank Stiftung finanzierten Begleitprojektes. Dieser erste Wirkungsbericht nach Social Reporting Standard umfasst Ergebnisse der dritten Projektphase sowie des Begleitprojektes. Außerdem berichten wir über den Entstehungs- und Entwicklungsprozess von KIWI als „lernendes“ Projekt. Eine weitere Förderung durch die Stiftung RTL „Wir helfen Kindern“ gab uns die Chance, den KIWI-Ansatz im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts KIWI kids (September 2018 – Februar 2020) auf den Primarschulbereich zu übertragen. Diese Publikation enthält auch einen Kurzüberblick über die wesentlichen Ergebnisse dieser Pilotphase. [64 pages]


Global Mapping on Gender Based Violence

Global Mapping Study on GBV. Led by CARE and ActionAid as co-leads of the task team the purpose of this study was to examine existing evidence around the issue of localization within the context of GBV prevention, response and coordination initiatives in humanitarian contexts. The study also sought to gather field perspectives on the state of GBV localization, and to examine the degree to which the global commitment to localization within the context of the humanitarian GBV sector has been operationalized.

Data was collected from a range of stakeholders participating in GBV coordination, including GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinators, representatives from local and/or women-led organizations, staff from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) along with global leaders engaged in the localization debate. In line with the GBV AoR’s mandate, the primary focus of this study was on settings involving internally-displaced persons.

The final report is comprised of the following three documents:
- Summary Report (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Bahasa, and Bengali)
- Full Report: The full report contains a detailed description of the study’s background, methodology, findings, and recommendations, and provides a comprehensive presentation of the data gathered through this research along with implications for future action. (Link here:
- Appendix of Tools and Guidance: The appendix of tools and guidance serves as a companion document to both the summary and full versions of the report, and provides an overview of existing resource materials that have been developed pertaining to GBV localization. Read More...

Global Mapping Study on Gender Based Violence

Global Mapping Study on GBV. Led by CARE and ActionAid as co-leads of the task team the purpose of this study was to examine existing evidence around the issue of localization within the context of GBV prevention, response and coordination initiatives in humanitarian contexts. The study also sought to gather field perspectives on the state of GBV localization, and to examine the degree to which the global commitment to localization within the context of the humanitarian GBV sector has been operationalized.

Data was collected from a range of stakeholders participating in GBV coordination, including GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinators, representatives from local and/or women-led organizations, staff from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) along with global leaders engaged in the localization debate. In line with the GBV AoR’s mandate, the primary focus of this study was on settings involving internally-displaced persons.

The final report is comprised of the following three documents:
- Summary Report (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Bahasa, and Bengali)
- Full Report: The full report contains a detailed description of the study’s background, methodology, findings, and recommendations, and provides a comprehensive presentation of the data gathered through this research along with implications for future action. (Link here:
- Appendix of Tools and Guidance: The appendix of tools and guidance serves as a companion document to both the summary and full versions of the report, and provides an overview of existing resource materials that have been developed pertaining to GBV localization. Read More...

Global Mapping Study on Gender Based Violence

Global Mapping Study on GBV. Led by CARE and ActionAid as co-leads of the task team the purpose of this study was to examine existing evidence around the issue of localization within the context of GBV prevention, response and coordination initiatives in humanitarian contexts. The study also sought to gather field perspectives on the state of GBV localization, and to examine the degree to which the global commitment to localization within the context of the humanitarian GBV sector has been operationalized.

Data was collected from a range of stakeholders participating in GBV coordination, including GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinators, representatives from local and/or women-led organizations, staff from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) along with global leaders engaged in the localization debate. In line with the GBV AoR’s mandate, the primary focus of this study was on settings involving internally-displaced persons.

The final report is comprised of the following three documents:
- Summary Report (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Bahasa, and Bengali)
- Full Report: The full report contains a detailed description of the study’s background, methodology, findings, and recommendations, and provides a comprehensive presentation of the data gathered through this research along with implications for future action. (Link here:
- Appendix of Tools and Guidance: The appendix of tools and guidance serves as a companion document to both the summary and full versions of the report, and provides an overview of existing resource materials that have been developed pertaining to GBV localization. Read More...

Mawe Tatu English Summary of Endline Evaluation

This summary presents key findings of the endline study contucted to evaluate the effectiveness of the "Mawe Tatu" (M3) program in North and South Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The M3 project was implemented to improve the household economy of vulnerable groups, to reduce gender-based violence through improving equity in gender relations; and to improve sexual and reproductive health among women, men, and youth.
Guiding questions included:
1. Did the household economy, and the socio-economic situation of women improve as a result of the introduction of VSLAs?
2. Did men get successfully engaged to support women’s economic autonomy, to reduce gender-based violence, and to support women in their decisions about their sexual and reproductive health?
3. Were young women and men empowered to take healthy decisions for their sexual and reproductive life?

Full evaluation (in French) here:

Tropical Cyclone Gita Summary

2 page summary of the Cyclone Gita response Final Evaluation:

When Tropical Cyclone Gita, a Category 4 cyclone, struck Tonga on Monday 12 February 2018 it affected 80,000 men, women, boys and girls—roughly 70% of the entire population. CARE, Live and Learn, and MORDI formed a partnership to respond to the immediate needs of those affected on both ‘Eua and Tongatapu. In the response phase, the partnership delivered emergency shelter and hygiene kits. In the recovery phase, the partnership supported communities with shelter, repairs to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, and food security and livelihood recovery efforts. In total the response supported 10,570 individuals (4,946 men and 5,624 women) Read More...

Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene (SPLASH)

SPLASH is a five-year USAID-funded project that is targeting to reach over 240,000 primary school pupils in four districts of Eastern Province, Zambia, (Mambwe, Chipata, Lundazi, and Chadiza). This 5-year project (2011-2015), funded through USAID’s Bureau for Global Health and led by FHI 360 in partnership with CARE and Winrock International, uses at-scale programming approaches to reduce diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infections, the two top killers of children under age five globally. The project works with the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training, and Early Education (MESVTEE) and other line ministries such as the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH) and the Ministry of Health (MOH). SPLASH’s overall objective is to sustainably improve access to safe water, adequate sanitation, hygiene information, and health practices to improve learning environments and educational performance in primary schools. You can also find the final technical report: Read More...

Ukraine Rapid Gender Analysis (Primary Data) May 2022

"It is no longer very scary whether a rocket will arrive or not from the sea, but it is scary that we will die of starvation.”
The lives of people across Ukraine have been profoundly impacted by the humanitarian crisis brought on by the invasion on 24 February 2022. As of 29 April, 5.5 million refugees have already fled Ukraine,1 and the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) has reached 7.7 million. Of those who have fled the country, it is estimated that 90 per cent are women and children, while most men aged 18–60 are required to stay behind under martial law. Based on current data from the International Organization for Migration, 60 per cent of the adult internally displaced population are female, while 40 per cent are male. As the crisis quickly evolves, so do the needs and priorities of women and men across Ukraine.
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA), carried out by UN Women and CARE International, seeks to draw attention to the gender dynamics in the humanitarian crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine. The RGA also proposes recommendations for humanitarian leadership, actors and donors to ensure consideration of the gendered dimensions of risk, vulnerability and capabilities in response to this crisis.
The RGA is a progressive publication based on both primary and secondary data sources that compares pre-crisis data with up-to-date information as the situation evolves. This RGA builds upon the RGA Ukraine Brief ( developed by CARE International during the first week of the war and on the UN Women and CARE RGA published 29 March6 based on an analysis of secondary data. For this report, the RGA team reviewed English, Ukrainian and Russian sources and interviewed 179
women and men from local communities across Ukraine, as well as representatives from civil society organizations (CSOs), UN agencies and government bodies. Particular effort was made to ensure that the voices of women and men in vulnerable situations and from different marginalized groups were included. Read More...

Combining GBV and Reproductive Health Services in Cox’s Bazar

Since 2018, CARE has implemented static health services at four health posts in CxB, GBV case management at 12 women and girls’ safe spaces, household and sub-block level sensitization for awareness on service availability through 14 outreach teams, and provision of basic health services at mobile outreach spots at the sub-block level. These comprehensive service and demand-side components addressing individual, household, and community barriers to accessing services have enabled a gender-responsive, integrated approach to reach women and girls. See the learning brief here: Read More...

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