
Evaluation Finale du Projet Washplus de Care Mali Dans la Region de Mopti

The centrally managed USAID / Washington WASHPlus project, led by FHI 360 with CARE USA as a lead partner, creates and supports interventions that lead to improvements in water, sanitation and hygiene, explores and promotes the innovation in WASH, including mainstreaming WASH into related areas such as nutrition. The report is 68 pages long. Read More...

Formative Research for Social & Behavior Change (SBC) in nutrition, reproductive health and WASH

Between July and August 2016 formative research was carried out by HKI with the overall scope to gather evidence about current practices in nutrition, reproductive health and WASH and identify appropriate strategies for achieving project social and behaviour change outcomes. The formative research explored behaviors, focusing on improving the health and nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women as well as children, and improving access to and utilization of WASH infrastructure. The research findings will be used to generate a robust Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy (SBCC) focused on several key practices. Topics explored by the research were reproductive health, children and maternal nutrition, WASH and media exposure. The report is 80 pages long. Read More...

Youth Livelihoods Needs Assessment & Labor Market Assesssment

This study was undertaken to assess the supply side (youth ages 14-30 needs and preferences related to livelihoods), as well as the demand side (needs and opportunities in the labor market) in preparation for the design of the Youth Empowerment & Leadership (YELI or “enlighten” in Bambara) curriculum and training plan (IO 2.2). This report is 37 pages long. Read More...

Baseline Study of the Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Project in Mali Final

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) awarded a contract for a development food assistance project in Mali in fiscal year (FY) 2015 to CARE International. The Human Capital, Accountability and Resilience Advancing Nutrition Security, Diversified Livelihoods and Empowerment (HARANDE) Project is implemented by CARE and its partners: Save the Children; Helen Keller International; Yam Giribolo Tumo; Sahel-Eco; and the Research and Technical Applications Group. The goal of the HARANDE Project—which means food security in Peulh—is to provide access to sustainable food, nutrition, and income security for 310,855 vulnerable household members in four districts (Bandiagara, Douentza, Tenenkou, and Youwarou) of the Mopti region in Mali by 2020. FFP contracted ICF to conduct a baseline study of the HARANDE Project in 2016 as the first phase of a pre-post evaluation cycle. The second phase will include a final evaluation, inclusive of an endline survey, in approximately five years. The baseline study includes a representative population-based household survey to collect data for key FFP indicators and a qualitative study to add context, richness, and depth to the findings from the household survey. The report is 434 pages long. Read More...

Mali Resilience Research Report

The objective of this research is to provide implementing partners, the Office of Food for Peace (FFP), the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project, and the United States Agency for International Development / Center for Resilience (C4R) with insights into factors that strengthen household and community resilience in Mali. This report complements the Baseline Study implemented by ICF International in Fiscal Year 2016. The research examines factors, in the context of resilience and mitigation of the negative effects of shocks and stresses on well-being, which can serve as the foundation for an evidence base for improving resilience programming in the Human Capital, Accountability and Resilience Advancing Nutrition Security, Diversified Livelihoods and Empowerment (HARANDE) Project areas. This report is 102 pages long. Read More...

Projet Ulu Gnala Se Toliya “Bonne Nutrition des Enfants Maintenant” Midterm Report

Le projet Bonne nutrition des enfants maintenant, qui vise à réduire les causes sociales de la malnutrition, est cofinancé par la Commission de l’Union Européenne et CARE. Il est mis en œuvre depuis mars 2008 dans 97 villages de quatre (4) communes rurales du cercle de Bandiagara sur le plateau dogon, au Mali. Il s’agit des communes de Bara sara, Djamnati, Dourou et Kendié. The report is 44 pages long. Read More...

Gender Sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for Harande Development Food Assistance Program

The Human Capital, Accountability and Resilience program for the Promotion of Nutrition Security, Livelihoods and Accountability, or Harandé, is designed to promote resilience of participants through coordinated interventions to improve food and nutrition security, while strengthening the capacity
of the population at the household and community level to respond and deal with a myriad of shocks and stress factors. Recognizing climate change, gender inequality along with the vulnerability of some sections of the community as an obstacle underlying food and nutrition insecurity, and a key stressor towards instability and insecurity, a holistic understanding of gender sensitive‐climate vulnerability and adaptive capacities of target communities is an imperative step for the success of program interventions. The report is 77 pages long. Read More...

Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project Annual Evaluation

Second year evaluation. Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) project aims at reducing malnutrition and addressing nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women including adolescents. JANO also focuses on capacity building of multiple levels of government bodies, especially enhancing capacities of Nutrition Committees (NC) at the upazila and district levels in terms of developing nutritional plans, budget and effective supervision. Funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by CARE, Plan International, including Eco Social Development Organization (ESDO). JANO collaborated with the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) in implementing the National Plan of Action for Nutrition (NPAN)-2) at the local, regional, and national levels selected all 65 unions of the seven most vulnerable upazilas of Rangpur and Nilphamari (with a stunting rate of 42.1%) were selected for this project. These include Gangachara, Kaunia, Taraganj, Domar, Jaldhaka, Kishorgonj and Nilphamari Sadar. [101 pages]. Read More...


This report is presented by Adroit Consult International following a successful evaluation of the Emergency Mobile Health, Nutrition & Protection Project in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan. This main objective of the endline evaluation was to provide information on the impact of the 3 year integrated Health, Nutrition and Gender Based Violence (GBV) project and also measure results at the outcome and impact levels. The evaluation was conducted with project stakeholders such as; Community leaders, Households of beneficiaries, Individual women and men, Children under five, Health workers, Government officials, CSO/NGO partners among others, and covered the areas of Lopa Lafon and Ikotos. The evaluation reached a total of 287 respondents in project implementation areas [27 pages]. Read More...

Análisis de la Información de indicadores del proyecto “Ella Alimenta el mundo”

Information about the nutritional component indicators such as demographical characteristics, anthropometric measures, and nutritional status and habits, was obtained in the context of the project “She feeds the world”, in order to characterize the current situation in these settings prior to CARE Peru’s intervention. The baseline information was collected by an independent consultancy group, selected following the regular process in order to guarantee the objectivity of the information during the data collection and analysis. This baseline data collection was conducted between February and May 2020, and data analysis was developed on May and June 2020.

The Executive Summary is in Both English and in Spanish.

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