Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Programme II 2016-2019
CARE Norway runs the GEWEP II program, which continues the efforts of GEWEP I (2014-2015) and the Women Empowerment Program (2009-2013), in 6 countries including Niger. In Niger, GEWEP II is implemented by PROMEESS II. The ultimate vision is for the full realization of women's socio-economic and political rights. The program works in 25 communes in Niger, which is about 10% of all communes in the country. These municipalities have nearly 3,136,812 inhabitants, or 16% of the country's population. Phase II of PROMEESS runs for the period 2016-2019. The end line evaluation is carried out at the end of 2018, and provides information on the main achievements (services, products, and changes (effects) in the economic, social and political conditions of women. The end line evaluation sanctions the current phase, but will also serve as baseline (reference) for the next phase. [45 pages- Read More...
Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP) Midterm Report
In 2009, Norad-funded women empowerment programs (WEPs) started implementation in seven countries: Burundi, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. In 2009 and early 2010, an extensive quantitative baseline study was conducted in these countries around a common set of indicators. The present mid-term review (MTR), which was done using qualitative methodology, analysed in depth the process and nature of changes that the programs are contributing towards. In all the program countries, the country WEP team carried out the review internally with the technical assistance of an external consultant and CARE Norway (CN).
With slight variations, the overall objectives of the country WEPs focused on the economic, social, and political empowerment of women. The village savings and loan association (VSLA) methodology was common for all the programs; and these groups create the platform for working on other aspects of the program besides economic empowerment. The initial changes that the programs produce are seen in terms of increased access to savings and loans, employment opportunities, and asset ownership. The ability of the women to earn income, generate their own savings and make financial contributions in the household (HH) has greatly improved their self-esteem, thereby giving them better leverage to involve in and influence HH decision making processes. Men were highly appreciative of the income women were able to bring in to the family as a result of being involved in VSLAs. Through their improved position in the household, women reported being able to negotiate the use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and the abandonment of different harmful practices. Through the use of couples-based approach and engaging men initiatives, HH relationships are beginning to improve; men in these households are reportedly starting to have a more positive attitude towards women’s empowerment and are themselves even taking part in domestic activities in some contexts. The VSLA approach is enabling women to create strong social networks that are becoming an influential force for social change. As a result of increased knowledge on their human rights and increasing leadership skills, women are beginning to understand how they have to position themselves to realize their strategic interests. The VSLA groups and networks also enable women to mobilise support when they are running for elections; this support has increased number of women being elected into different posts. The contribution of women in VSLAs and in community leadership positions is being increasingly recognised and appreciated by local authority figures, which can be seen when they actively seek the advice of women and VSL groups in relation to different community development initiatives.
Through working in partnership with others, the programs are being implemented in a high quality and timely manner. Engagement with strategic partners has occurred effectively in some countries, and been instrumental in enabling the programs to link grassroots evidence to national level advocacy activities which have achieved concrete results. [52 pages] Read More...
With slight variations, the overall objectives of the country WEPs focused on the economic, social, and political empowerment of women. The village savings and loan association (VSLA) methodology was common for all the programs; and these groups create the platform for working on other aspects of the program besides economic empowerment. The initial changes that the programs produce are seen in terms of increased access to savings and loans, employment opportunities, and asset ownership. The ability of the women to earn income, generate their own savings and make financial contributions in the household (HH) has greatly improved their self-esteem, thereby giving them better leverage to involve in and influence HH decision making processes. Men were highly appreciative of the income women were able to bring in to the family as a result of being involved in VSLAs. Through their improved position in the household, women reported being able to negotiate the use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and the abandonment of different harmful practices. Through the use of couples-based approach and engaging men initiatives, HH relationships are beginning to improve; men in these households are reportedly starting to have a more positive attitude towards women’s empowerment and are themselves even taking part in domestic activities in some contexts. The VSLA approach is enabling women to create strong social networks that are becoming an influential force for social change. As a result of increased knowledge on their human rights and increasing leadership skills, women are beginning to understand how they have to position themselves to realize their strategic interests. The VSLA groups and networks also enable women to mobilise support when they are running for elections; this support has increased number of women being elected into different posts. The contribution of women in VSLAs and in community leadership positions is being increasingly recognised and appreciated by local authority figures, which can be seen when they actively seek the advice of women and VSL groups in relation to different community development initiatives.
Through working in partnership with others, the programs are being implemented in a high quality and timely manner. Engagement with strategic partners has occurred effectively in some countries, and been instrumental in enabling the programs to link grassroots evidence to national level advocacy activities which have achieved concrete results. [52 pages] Read More...
Women’s Empowerment Program (WEP) 2009-2013
CARE Norway, collaborating CARE country offices (COs), and partners have from 2009 through 2013 run the “Women Empowerment Programme” (WEP). With funding from NORAD, it has been implemented in Mali, Niger, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Myanmar and DRC (from 2013).
The results presented in this report derive from CARE’s monitoring systems, thematic assessments and research done over the 5 years. This final report is intended to give NORAD an overview of key results within the program’s four thematic focus areas: 1)Women’s Economic Empowerment, 2)Women’s Participation in Decision Making, 3) Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and 4) Prevention and Mitigation of Gender-based violence. In agreement with NORAD, the end-line evaluation of the WEP is due in May 2015. [55 pages] Read More...
The results presented in this report derive from CARE’s monitoring systems, thematic assessments and research done over the 5 years. This final report is intended to give NORAD an overview of key results within the program’s four thematic focus areas: 1)Women’s Economic Empowerment, 2)Women’s Participation in Decision Making, 3) Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and 4) Prevention and Mitigation of Gender-based violence. In agreement with NORAD, the end-line evaluation of the WEP is due in May 2015. [55 pages] Read More...
Mémoire de Fin d’études pour l’Obtention du Diplôme de Master Professionnel en Pastoralisme
La présente étude menée en zone pastorale dans les communes de Bermo et Gadabédji vise à analyser la dynamique organisationnelle des femmes en zone pastorale et de caractériser le rôle que peuvent jouer les groupements féminins dans la prise de décision et l’entrepreneuriat pour ces femmes. Une enquête a été réalisée auprès de 146 femmes membres de groupements féminins à travers des questionnaires individuels mais aussi auprès des femmes non membres (53) et des hommes pour avoir leurs perceptions. Il ressort que 97,3% des femmes membres de groupements féminins interrogés ont affirmé que la pratique d’activités génératrices de revenus (AGR) a amélioré leur relation au sein du ménage et 43,2% ont détecté le renforcement de leur participation aux prises de décisions dans le ménage. 61% des femmes membres de groupements féminins ont affirmé avoir adhéré au groupement pour financer une AGR et 51,4% ont dit que leur adhésion a été motivée par imitation. Il résulte ainsi que les motivations sociales et économiques constituent le pivot de la participation des femmes aux groupements féminins. Les caisses des groupements constituent également un rempart en cas d’urgence ou de crise même pour les non membres. Cette importance reconnue aux groupements de femmes fait qu’ils sont socialement acceptés par toutes les couches. Read More...
Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES-BRACED)
The Projet de Résilience face aux Chocs Environnementaux et Sociaux au Niger (PRESENCES) is a DFID funded project in Niger managed by CARE International UK and implemented by CARE Niger, TREE AID and the following local partners: AREN, MOREEBEN, and IDEES DUBARA, INRAN and AGRHYMET. The project is part of the programme Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED), comprising 15 projects in the Sahel, and South- Southeast Asia. PRESENCES was implemented for 3 years, from January 2015 to December 2017 and covered 12 rural communes of the Tillabéry region. Its principal outcome was to increase adaptation, anticipation and absorption capacity of poor and vulnerable women and men against climate extremes and disasters, through three main outputs:
1. Improved relevance, access to and use of climate information services, planning and risk management for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
2. Poor and vulnerable women and men are benefitting from sustainable and climate-resilient livelihood options.
3. Governance systems and structures at local, national and regional levels support equitable, sustainable and climate-resilient management of natural resources.
1. Improved relevance, access to and use of climate information services, planning and risk management for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
2. Poor and vulnerable women and men are benefitting from sustainable and climate-resilient livelihood options.
3. Governance systems and structures at local, national and regional levels support equitable, sustainable and climate-resilient management of natural resources.
Evaluation d’impact Genre de la réponse de CARE à la crise du Bassin du Lac Tchad au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad
La crise du BLT, née du conflit armé au Nord Nigéria qui s’est étendu au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad a créé une crise humanitaire qui a entrainé le déplacement de 4.025.486 personnes au niveau de ces quatre pays (OIM DTM, Avril 2018). Cette crise révèle une dimension protection sans précèdent avec notamment des violences multiformes à l’encontre des femmes et de filles (kidnapping, violences et abus sexuelles, transformées en kamikaze), des violences physiques à l’encontre des hommes et jeunes garçons (décapités ou enrôlés de force dans les combats) ; la dislocation des milliers de familles a laissé aux femmes et aux enfants la responsabilité de se prendre en charge leurs familles.
CARE répond à la crise du bassin du Lac Tchad (BLT) depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun. Conformément à son focus et engagement sur le genre, CARE a déployé des efforts pour intégrer le genre à toutes les étapes de la mise en œuvre de la réponse. Cet effort est soutenu par plusieurs bailleurs dont le Global Affairs Canada (GAC) qui finance pour la première fois des projets d’urgence sur deux ans consécutifs au Cameroun, au Niger et au Tchad. C’est grâce à ce financement que cette évaluation a été commanditée pour apprécier l’efficacité de l’approche d’intégration du genre utilisée et son impact sur la vie des hommes, des femmes, des filles et des garçons affectés par la crise du BLT et formuler des recommandations d’amélioration. [33 pages]
CARE répond à la crise du bassin du Lac Tchad (BLT) depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun. Conformément à son focus et engagement sur le genre, CARE a déployé des efforts pour intégrer le genre à toutes les étapes de la mise en œuvre de la réponse. Cet effort est soutenu par plusieurs bailleurs dont le Global Affairs Canada (GAC) qui finance pour la première fois des projets d’urgence sur deux ans consécutifs au Cameroun, au Niger et au Tchad. C’est grâce à ce financement que cette évaluation a été commanditée pour apprécier l’efficacité de l’approche d’intégration du genre utilisée et son impact sur la vie des hommes, des femmes, des filles et des garçons affectés par la crise du BLT et formuler des recommandations d’amélioration. [33 pages]
CARE répond à la crise du Bassin du Lac Tchad (BLT) depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun
Le con it armé au Nord Nigéria étendue au Cameroun, Niger et Tchad a créé une crise humanitaire qui a entrainé le déplacement de 4.025.486 personnes (OIM DTM, Avril 2018). Ce e crise a révélé une dimension protection cruciale avec en particulier des violences multiformes à l’encontre des femmes et de filles et la dislocation des familles qui a laissé des centaines de milliers de femmes et des enfants avec la responsabilité de se prendre en charge et de prendre en charge leurs familles. CARE répond à ce e crise depuis 2014 au Niger et 2015 au Tchad et au Cameroun avec une approche centrée sur le genre. Une analyse d’impact genre, financée par le Global Affairs Canada a été menée en Août 2018 dans les trois pays en vue d’apprécier l’efficacité de l’approche d’intégra on du genre utilisée et son impact sur la vie des hommes, des femmes, des filles et des garçons affectés et formuler des recommanda ons d’améliora on. Les points ci-dessous synthétisent certains parmi les résultats de ce e analyse. Read More...
CARE responds to the crisis of the Lake Chad Basin (LCB) since 2014 in Niger and 2015 in Chad and Cameroon
The armed conflict in northern Nigeria extended to Cameroon, Niger and Chad created a humanitarian crisis that displaced 4,025,486 people (IOM DTM, April 2018). This crisis revealed a crucial protection dimension with, in particular, multifaceted violence against women and girls and the dislocation of families that left hundreds of thousands of women and children with the responsibility of caring for themselves and their families. CARE has responded to this crisis since 2014 in Niger and 2015 in Chad and Cameroon with a gender-focused approach. A gender impact analysis, funded by Global A airs Canada, was conducted in August 2018 in all three countries to assess the effectiveness of the gender mainstreaming approach used and its impact on men's lives, affected women, girls and boys and make recommendations for improvement. Read More...
Rapport de l’Analyse Rapide Genre Sur l’Assistance aux Populations Réfugiées, Deplacees, et Les Populations Hote dans la Region de Diffa
La crise qui perdure au Nord du Nigéria et dans le Sud-est du Niger a entraîné un déplacement massif de populations dans la région de Diffa où une personne sur trois est déplacée. En effet, les premières vagues de réfugiés sont arrivées du Nigeria il y a deux ans mais depuis avril 2015, les incursions sanglantes et répétées des insurgés au Niger ont provoqué d’importants déplacements de populations. Par conséquent, une multitude de camps informels longent désormais le goudron de la route nationale. [20 pages] Read More...
Rapport Post Distribution Monitoring Deuxiueme Passage SALI-BASE
Dans le cadre de l’atténuation des effets négatifs de cette crise et son lot de corollaires, CARE NIGER a soumis et obtenu auprès de plusieurs bailleurs (Ministère allemand des affaires étrangères, The Letter Days Saint Charitties et Ministère luxembourgeois des affaires étrangères) pour soutenir ces populations victimes.
Afin de répondre aux besoins alimentaires de base des populations les plus vulnérables parmi les personnes déplacées ainsi que les communautés hôtes , les trois initiatives ont procédé au transfert de cash inconditionnel à 2920 ménages les plus vulnérables dans la région de Diffa dont 2000 ménages pour SALI-BASE pendant 4 tours, 520 ménages pour LDSC pendant 3 tours et 400 ménages pour AMOS pendant 4 tours. [13 pages]
Afin de répondre aux besoins alimentaires de base des populations les plus vulnérables parmi les personnes déplacées ainsi que les communautés hôtes , les trois initiatives ont procédé au transfert de cash inconditionnel à 2920 ménages les plus vulnérables dans la région de Diffa dont 2000 ménages pour SALI-BASE pendant 4 tours, 520 ménages pour LDSC pendant 3 tours et 400 ménages pour AMOS pendant 4 tours. [13 pages]