
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field

A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".

The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...

Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field

A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".

The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...

Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field

A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".

The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...

Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 Lessons from the Field

A brief summary from a multi-country study on "what does gender-sensitive cash and voucher assistance look like?".

The study adopted a user-centric approach to data collection. This ensured consistent reflection with crisis-affected people throughout the process and increased our ability to capture complexity and enhance accountability. Read More...

What Does Gender-Sensitive Cash and Voucher Assistance Look Like?

CARE is committed to being “cash ready” to achieve breakthroughs for women and girls in its cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and to convene other stakeholders on the gendered aspects of CVA. Building that commitment, CARE commissioned a study on gender-sensitive CVA from its own project participants. The study aimed at understanding the:
- Extent to which women, men, boys, and girls have been involved in the design of CVA and the implications of this involvement.
- Potential for CVA to foster positive and sustainable gender roles and relations that contribute to gender equity.
- Gender-related barriers and risks associated with collecting and receiving CVA including social and cultural
attitudes and protection risks.

“It is a thing that depends on God”: barriers to delaying first birth and pursuing alternative futures among newly married adolescent girls in Niger

Pregnancy among adolescent girls in Niger contributes to 34% of all deaths among females ages 15– 19, but there is a dearth of research as to the specific contextual causes. In Zinder region, an area that is especially impoverished and where girls are at heightened risk, there is very little information on the main obstacles to improving adolescents’ health and well-being.

This qualitative study examines the underlying social, individual and structural factors influencing married girls’ early first birth and participation in alternative opportunities (such as education or economic pursuits) in Niger. Read More...


Ce rapport final de l’étude de base et cartographie des activités génératrices de revenue (AGR) dans le cadre du Projet «DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIAL DES FEMMES A TRAVERS LES ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES AU SAHEL (SENEGAL, MALI ET NIGER) – DESFERS» reflète les informations recueillies et analysées au Mali, au Sénégal et au Niger. Il établit les éléments de base qui permettront de réaliser de manière adéquate le suivi du projet au niveau des résultats et objectifs.
Le répertoire et l’analyse financière des AGR féminines permet de déterminer le type d’AGR pouvant bénéficier d’un accès à l’énergie renouvelable dans le but d’améliorer leur production, productivité, efficacité de leur processus de transformation, systèmes de vente de leurs produits.
Les deux parties (répertoire et analyse) aident à identifier les AGR ayant des activités liées ou potentiellement liées à court et moyen terme, à l’utilisation et à la commercialisation des produits liés et/ou issus de l’énergie renouvelable.
Les informations recueillies mettent à jour également aussi bien les AGR qui utilisent ou peuvent utiliser l’énergie renouvelable ainsi que des actions préalables dont ont pu bénéficier les AGR et les membres des groupes d’épargne et crédit mutuel (EPC), comme les formations techniques, cours d’alphabétisation, développement de plan d’affaire, etc.). Read More...

Women’s economic empowerment in emergency contexts: Niger case study

While discussion of the ‘Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus’ continues within the sector, there remains debate as to whether women’s economic empowerment is a luxury, or even feasible in humanitarian contexts where the priority is to keep people alive. Increasingly, however, humanitarians are seeing interventions aimed at women’s economic empowerment in emergency contexts as a key tool to increase protection and support people in crises to live in dignity. CARE set out to analyse whether financial inclusion strategies like community-led savings groups may in fact represent a way to not only respond to crises, but also to build resilience against them, even in highly fluid contexts.

In June 2018, CARE teams conducted fieldwork in two areas where it is implementing ongoing humanitarian interventions. CARE organised focus groups and interviews with communities and individuals in Diffa and Konni where it has delivered humanitarian assistance. The interventions combined blanket cash distributions, and the establishment of savings and credit groups which also provided women with life skills and business training to set up small businesses.

Within a crisis setting, combining a savings group structure including income generation support with humanitarian assistance such as food and non-food items (NFIs) helped women not only to meet basic needs in a more sustainable way, but also improved their independent access to and control over money.

During emergencies, providing women with humanitarian cash to cover basic needs allowed women in savings groups to continue saving and to invest in income generating activities (IGA), rather than using up capital on food.

If crises continue to hit, the positive impact of savings groups set up in emergencies can become strained. In this case, further cash interventions can preserve small businesses.

Membership of savings groups and receipt of IGAs and life skills training increased women’s income and confidence. Membership of a savings group provides psychosocial benefits to women who are suffering anxiety, depression or trauma by providing a social network that meets and talks regularly. Read More...


CARE Norvège exécute le programme GEWEPII qui poursuit les efforts du GEWEPI (2014-2015) et le Women Empowerment Program (2009-2013), dans 6 pays dont le Niger. Au Niger, le GEWEPII est mis en oeuvre par le PROMEESSII. La vision ultime porte sur une pleine réalisation des droits socioéconomiques et politiques des femmes.
Le programme travaille dans 30 communes du Niger soit environ 10% de l’ensemble des communes du pays. Ces communes comptent près de 3 136 812 habitants, soit 16% de la population du pays. La phase II du PROMEESS court sur la période 2016-2019. L’évaluation endline intervient en fin 2018, et fournit des informations sur les principales réalisations (services, produits, et changements (effets) dans les conditions économiques, sociales et politiques des femmes. L’évaluation endline sanctionne la phase
actuelle, mais servira également de baseline (référence) pour la phase suivante. Read More...

Protection et Appui Alimentaire aux enfants et a leurs meres affectes par la crise de Diffa

Depuis 2013, CARE1 intervient dans la région de Diffa, zone située à l’extrême Est du Niger et en proie à l’insurrection boko haram. Cette intervention répond à un appel de l’Etat du Niger et s’inscrit dans la réponse humanitaire globale face à une situation née au Nord Nigeria mais qui frappe toute la région du Lac Tchad. Le conflit a mis à terre l’économie
locale. Il a entraîné un flux important de réfugiés et retournés du Nigeria dans Diffa, particulièrement dans le sud-est. En juillet 2018, la DREC/M/R2 estimait à 249 813 personnes la population de déplacés, réfugiés, retournés et demandeurs d’asile. Pour la même année, les besoins humanitaires dressés par OCHA3 indiquaient que « 409 000 personnes ont besoin d’assistance dans la région de Diffa » : Read More...

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