

This report presents findings of a Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis in relation to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Timor-Leste, from a national and municipal level perspective. The GESI Analysis aims to improve understanding of marginalization in the WASH sector, be it on the basis of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religion, poverty or other. The analysis generates practical inputs to improve national policies and strategies and thereby ensure that the project improves conditions for equality in terms of access to and use of WASH services while striving to apply “do-no-harm” and non-discrimination principles.

Gender equality is an enabler for achieving sustainable development in Timor-Leste. Recognized in the National Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) and overseen by the national machinery – the Secretary of State for Equality and Inclusion (SEII) – achieving gender equality is the responsibility of all government agencies and development partners.

The study was carried out by a CARE International WASH and Gender Advisor with support from CARE International Timor-Leste and WaterAid Timor-Leste project staff and partner organizations in November 2019. Read More...

Hamenus Mortalidade no Risku ba Inan (HAMORIS – 2017-2021) BASELINE CI Timor-Leste

The HAMORIS project is managed and implemented by Care International Timor-Leste (CITL) and funded by the Australian aid program. The HAMORIS project goal is to contribute to lasting reductions in maternal mortality and morbidity by increasing the number of women in targeted communities utilizing appropriate and quality Sexual, Reproductive Maternal Health and Rights (SRMHR) services. The project aims to enable this by improving gender relations at the family and community level. HAMORIS started in July 2017 and has been extended to June 2022.

The baseline data has been collected to provide the team and key stakeholders to the project with a clear understanding of context at the initiation of the project. It will help the team assess changes in knowledge, attitudes and practice of participants and their approach to SRMHR services and changes in gender relations, social and power norms of participants and within the broader community. Read More...


The HAFORSA project in Timor-Leste – 2016 to 2019 – sought to address two of the most challenging issues facing many of the world’s poorest countries; namely, development of subsistence-based agricultural livelihoods and women’s empowerment. The main targets of the intervention were, very appropriately, 430 prospective members of farmer groups (including women-only farmer groups) in some of the most inaccessible and impoverished parts of the country, namely, in Atsabe sub-district of Ermera District. Particular challenges in the project-targeted areas included: lack of irrigation system and limited public investment in agriculture, the high levels of illiteracy, and longstanding perceptions (prejudices) regarding the traditional roles of women.

This document describes the results of the end of project evaluation – conducted during June and July of 2019 - based upon: the results of a review of project-related documents, a survey of 109 respondents, 10 key informant interviews, 10 semi-structured interviews, and two focus group discussion meetings. Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis Report: Disaster Ready Project, Timor-Leste 2018

Timor-Leste is subject to a range of disaster events, including rapid onset high winds, landslides, flash floods and minor earthquakes, which tend to happen frequently but have a limited humanitarian impact. Higher risk natural disasters include slow onset events such as prolonged rains or droughts, which are particularly severe in La Niña/El Niño years, increasingly affecting communities throughout Timor-Leste. These emergencies are likely to increase in frequency and/ or severity in coming years as a result of climate change. With approximately seventy percent (70%) of the population living in rural areas, reliant on subsistence agriculture and with poor access to infrastructure, services and markets, communities are highly vulnerable to disasters. The high prevalence of malnutrition and inadequate water and sanitation pose additional challenges and impact on communities’ ability to prepare for natural disaster and adapt to the changing environment.

The primary goal of the Gender and Power Analysis is to gain a broader understanding of gender and power dynamics that will affect the success of the Disaster READY project. The objectives of the analysis are to:

- understand how gender and social norms and beliefs influence women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify gender inequalities and harmful social and cultural norms that affect women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify positive trends, factors and role models that can be used to promote and drive transformation of harmful gender norms and practices;
- identify actions that Disaster READY can implement to promote equality in women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- apply the analysis to strengthen existing activities and ensure that they are not gender blind.

Disaster READY is a 4.5 year, $42.5m Australian Government funded program to help Timor-Leste and Pacific Island communities prepare for and build resilience to disasters.

Implemented by Australian NGOS with their local partners, Disaster READY has a specific focus on strengthening the ability of local communities and organisations in the Indo Pacific region, with an initial focus in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, PNG and Timor-Leste.

Gender and Power Analysis Report: Water for Women Project, Timor-Leste 2018

This is a Gender and Power Analysis for the Australian Aid DFAT funded, Water for Women (WfW) Project commencing July 2018-December 2022. The project will be implemented in Manufahi, Liquica municipalities of Timor-Leste by a consortium of Water Aid and CARE International, who both have strong country presence.

The project will equip each municipality to lead gender transformative, nutrition-sensitive, inclusive, sustainable WASH services to contribute to improvements in health, gender equality and social inclusion. The project will mainstream gender equality and social inclusion approaches by developing and implementing gender and inclusion responsive national and sub-national platforms. Addressing gender inequalities and social exclusion is fundamental to WASH and is embedded in each of the four outcomes of the project:

- Gender equality and social inclusion integrated into effective national WASH systems.
- Women and men share roles and responsibilities in decision making in the household and at
the community level, with a particular emphasis on WASH.
- Municipalities use gender transformative approaches to deliver nutrition sensitive, inclusive,
sustainable WASH services.
- Strengthened National WASH sector knowledge management and learning systems, including
effective exchange between relevant sectors.

The purpose of Gender and Power Analysis (GPA) was to validate the activities already considered for the project but also to identify gender equality and social inclusion gaps within the WASH sector that could be further strengthened by the project. Read More...

Safe Motherhood Project

A 26 page evaluation of the Safe Motherhood Endline study that is to serve as a comparative study against the baseline study (completed April 2015). This document reports the current knowledge, attitudes and practices in the areas of maternal and child health in target communities in Ermera and Covalima, Timor-Leste. Read More...

Maka’as final evaluation report

This 62 page evaluation describes the work and impacts of CARE's MAKA'AS program, focusing on water ... Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis: Timor-Leste 2013

In October 2012 CARE International in Timor-Leste (CITL) commenced its transition from a project-based way of working, to a program approach. This Gender and Power Analysis provides part of the evidence base for the new programs being developed by CITL as part of the move to a program approach.

This Gender and Power Analysis is based on the findings of publically available secondary research and CITL's own research (gender analyses, baseline surveys and evaluations). The CARE International Gender Network's Good Practices Framework for Gender Analysis (2012) was used to guide the report and the analysis is structured around the three domains of CARE's Women's Empowerment Framework —agency, structures and relations.

This report should complement, but not replace, program and project-specific gender and power analyses.

Gender and Power Analysis: Mudansa Klimatika iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) Project

CARE’s Mudansa Kilimatica iha Ambiente Seguru (MAKA’AS) project aims to build the adaptive capacity of women and men in vulnerable households living in seven sukos in Liquiça District on two highly degraded watersheds. The project goal is to increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through improved water management and water resource protection, improved land management and agricultural practices and micro-to-meso level processes that support natural resource management at the watershed level. The project will be implemented by a consortium led by CARE with WaterAid and four local partners; Centro do Desenvolvimento da Economia Popular (CDEP), Naroman Timor Foun (NTF), Malaidoi, and Hafoun Timor Lorosae (HTL).

The Gender Analysis found that men and women often shared productive workload, although there were some gender specific activities such as fishing for men and seed storage for women. Men and women share the burden of agricultural work, coffee harvesting and caring for home gardens. However, in terms of the domestic or reproductive sphere there is generally little change from traditional gender roles where women care for children, cook and clean and pay attention to household food security. Men are starting to undertake some household tasks such minding children and collecting water but addressing the burden of work shouldered by women within the household is essential in order to enable them to participate in other community activities. Women’s and men’s roles mean they will be affected differently by climate change with women likely to be more concerned with the health and household food security impacts. Read More...

Timor leste evaluation programming for capacity april 2010

This is an evaluation of the impact, effectiveness, and sustainability of four CARE Timor Leste proj... Read More...

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