Natural Disaster

Hunga Tonga- Hunga Ha’apai Disaster Response Program End of Program Evaluation Evaluation Report

This Evaluation Report presents the end of program evaluation (the evaluation) of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Disaster Response Program (the program), implemented in partnership by CARE Australia, MORDI TT and Talitha Project (the partnership). The evaluation was conducted between July- November 2023 by Iris Low and Leaine Robinson (Collaborate Consulting Pte. Ltd (CoLAB)); Katrina Fatiaki (Tapuaki Mei Langi Consultancy) and Dr. Rev. 'Ungatea Kata and Ofa Pakalani (Tupou Tertiary Institute). The evaluation focused on evaluating the merit and worth of the program implemented by the partners by identifying the achievements of the program, strengths of the partnership modality to build on, and lessons to inform and improve future humanitarian programming.

Based on what stakeholders define as high quality humanitarian response, the evaluation finds that majority of communities, staff, and stakeholders interviewed stated that the assistance provided by CARE, MORDI TT and Talitha Project represents a high-quality humanitarian response as it met affected communities immediate needs (water, agriculture, hygiene kits), reached those in the community who needed assistance the most, was led by local organisations who coordinated and worked with existing national processes and systems in Tonga and who will continue to remain engaged in communities post-disaster to support communities to recover.
Impact: What difference did the program make?
The program has made an impact and positive difference to affected communities in helping to address their immediate needs and quality of living and recovery in the aftermath of the volcano and tsunami disaster. The targeted assistance has contributed to communities improved access to clean drinking water and their knowledge and skills on how to maintain Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure; enhanced food security in communities through more options for healthy eating from the community gardens, helping communities to recover quickly, and increased livelihoods for women who sell the surplus produce; motivated communities to work together so that they are better prepared for future disasters and supported different groups (women, young people, adolescent girls, elderly and persons with disabilities) in the community. The program reached 20,182 people (5,593 women; 4,524 girls; 5,149 men and 4,916 boys) across the affected areas of Tongatapu, ‘Eua and Ha’apai, with material and technical support to restore community rainwater collection systems, a significant impact in the aftermath of the disaster which left communities without access to clean drinking water. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Policy Brief: Türkiye & Northwest Syria Earthquake Response

Earthquakes are gender neutral - they affect everyone in their vicinity - but their impacts are not. Gender inequality exacerbates the impact of disasters, and the impacts of disasters exacerbate gender inequality. The earthquake in Türkiye and Northwest Syria (NW Syria) – the largest earthquake to affect the region in 200 years - occurred in areas already affected by mass displacement and population movements for over a decade, as well as long-standing protection issues. One thing is clear, however, where the impacts of the earthquake are gendered, the response must be too. This first Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) Brief explores existing gender, age and disability data and information to understand pre-existing vulnerabilities and capacities and how best humanitarians can respond to meet people’s different needs. Read More...

Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’apai Response Program Baseline May-June 2022

The purpose of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Volcano and Tsunami Response program is to support the immediate and early recovery needs of people directly affected by the eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano. Read More...

Fiji Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis COVID-19 and TC Harold

The COVID-19 pandemic declared by the World Health Organisation on 11 March 2020 is presenting tremendous challenges globally due to its devastating impacts. While Fiji only had 18 cases of COVID-19, all of whom have recovered, the economic and social outcomes are significant and will be felt for years to come. The closure of international borders led to visitor arrivals contracting significantly by 43.5 percent up to April and the economy is projected to decline by 4.9% in 2020 under COVID-19. The impacts will extend to government revenue, which is expected to decrease by almost 50% in the next financial year.

In addition to the pandemic, Fiji was also struck by Severe Tropical Cyclone Harold on 08 April, causing States of Natural Disaster to be declared for COVID-19 and for TC Harold within the same week. Although Fiji is used to cyclones, prevention and movement restriction measures in place for COVID-19 made it difficult to respond to the trail of destruction left by the Category 4 cyclone. A total of 250 evacuation centers were opened in all four divisions and around 10,000 people were displaced.

The objectives of the Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis are:

- To analyse and understand the different impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and TC Harold potentially have on women, men, girls and boys, people with disabilities and people of diverse SOGIESC and other marginalised groups in Fiji;

- To inform humanitarian programming in Fiji based on the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, people with disabilities and people of diverse SOGIESC with a particular focus on Gender Based Violence (GBV), Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education in Emergencies, Food Security and Livelihoods, and Coping Strategies; and

- To provide recommendations for organisations responding to COVID-19 and TC Harold.

Evaluation de Ligne de Base du Project Urbayiti

Extrêmement affecté par l’ouragan Matthew de catégorie 4 qui a frappé Haiti en Octobre 2016, la ville de Jérémie1, chef-lieu du département de la Grand’Anse, reste extrêmement vulnérable aux catastrophes plus de deux ans après ce sinistre. En effet, sa position géographique dans le bassin de la Caraïbe l’expose à de nombreux risques naturels tels que séismes, ouragans, tsunamis et pluies dévastatrices.

D’un point de vue de la structure urbaine, Jérémie souffre d’un manque de planification et d’un niveau de gestion territoriale inadapté à la pression démographique actuelle. Il en résulte un développement chaotique de la ville qui, entre autres, ne prend pas en compte l’exposition aux risques et n’est pas associé à une offre de services de base. De plus, la pauvreté chronique des populations, aggravée par les fréquentes catastrophes, ne permet pas aux habitants les plus démunis de développer un niveau de résilience minimal leur permettant de garantir leur propre intégrité physique, et de capitaliser pour réaliser une évolution significative tant sur le point économique que social.

En vue d’adresser une série de problèmes structurels, environnementaux, sociaux et économiques enregistrés au niveau de la partie urbaine de la commune de Jérémie, CARE HAITI et CBM implémentent, depuis Mai 2018 et jusqu’à Avril 2022, le Projet « Vil nou pi bèl » dénommé UrbAyiti au niveau de la ville de Jérémie financé par l’Union Européenne.

Le projet a été lancé officiellement en Octobre 2018 et, avant le début des activités à fort impact sur les bénéficiaires, CARE a réalisé la ligne de base afin d’avoir un instantané de la situation. Ce qui devra permettre de mieux affiner les activités du projet et de mesurer l’effet du projet sur les bénéficiaires ciblés. Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis Report: Disaster Ready Project, Timor-Leste 2018

Timor-Leste is subject to a range of disaster events, including rapid onset high winds, landslides, flash floods and minor earthquakes, which tend to happen frequently but have a limited humanitarian impact. Higher risk natural disasters include slow onset events such as prolonged rains or droughts, which are particularly severe in La Niña/El Niño years, increasingly affecting communities throughout Timor-Leste. These emergencies are likely to increase in frequency and/ or severity in coming years as a result of climate change. With approximately seventy percent (70%) of the population living in rural areas, reliant on subsistence agriculture and with poor access to infrastructure, services and markets, communities are highly vulnerable to disasters. The high prevalence of malnutrition and inadequate water and sanitation pose additional challenges and impact on communities’ ability to prepare for natural disaster and adapt to the changing environment.

The primary goal of the Gender and Power Analysis is to gain a broader understanding of gender and power dynamics that will affect the success of the Disaster READY project. The objectives of the analysis are to:

- understand how gender and social norms and beliefs influence women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify gender inequalities and harmful social and cultural norms that affect women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- identify positive trends, factors and role models that can be used to promote and drive transformation of harmful gender norms and practices;
- identify actions that Disaster READY can implement to promote equality in women and men's ability to prepare and respond to disasters;
- apply the analysis to strengthen existing activities and ensure that they are not gender blind.

Disaster READY is a 4.5 year, $42.5m Australian Government funded program to help Timor-Leste and Pacific Island communities prepare for and build resilience to disasters.

Implemented by Australian NGOS with their local partners, Disaster READY has a specific focus on strengthening the ability of local communities and organisations in the Indo Pacific region, with an initial focus in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, PNG and Timor-Leste.

Madagascar – apinga – rapport d’évaluation finale care mdg (version définitive)

This 74 page report highlights the results of the APINGA project financed by BMZ Read More...

Madagascar – evaluation DIPECHO IV rapport final

This 154 page report details the final evaluation of the DIsaster Preparedness European Commission H... Read More...

Madagascar – rapport final baseline velontegna – copie

Le Projet VELONTEGNA est mis en œuvre dans six communes des Districts de Toamasina II et de Brickaville. L’objectif du projet est d’améliorer de façon durable la sécurité alimentaire de 85 000 personnes dans ses deux Districts d’intervention. Ce chiffre comprend environ 21 970 femmes et jeunes filles âgées de 15 à 49 ans et un minimum de 4 000 femmes chef de ménage vulnérables. Read More...

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