
Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response

Cash Based Assistance (CBA) has been used by humanitarian organisations in Somalia to assist people in need since 2003. After several years of poor rainfall, the humanitarian community responded to a famine alert issued in January 2017 with a significant scale-up of funding and programmes. Having originally published a 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in November 2016, by May 2017, the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revised the HRP upwards to target 5.5 million people needing assistance. The United Nations (UN), Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement and numerous international and national NGOs delivered a wide variety of life-saving and livelihood support CBA to vulnerable people across the country. [72 pages] Read More...

Quenching the Thirst Baseline

CARE and its principal partner, the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in Somaliland, have just concluded implementation of a 30-month project titled Haraad Reeb, which was funded by BMZ – Germany Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The thrust of the project was to build the resilience of target communities against drought-related shocks. The project focused on rural semi-sedentary populations living in small village-towns and spread across the eastern regions – Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag. Some activities were also implemented in Sahil, Hargeisa and Awdal regions.
The project performance against set indicators was excellent; indictors were met or surpassed. Implementation effectiveness was evident in the wide coverage, beneficiary participation, gender considerations, coordination mechanism, and in monitoring and evaluation strategies. CARE-MoWR had a robust working relationship, outlined in a joint MoU and applied at all levels – national, regional, districts and village. CARE had sufficient, qualified and motivated project staff while MoWR attached an engineer to the project.
Backed by evidence, the project designers realized that insufficiency of investments is not the core problem facing the rural water supply subsector. The core problem was identified as poor strategies to support operation and maintenance of the established systems. Due to this problem, there has been little to show for millions of dollars that the INGOs and UN agencies have invested in the subsector over the last two decades (1995-2015).
At the policy level, the project addressed the institutional lacuna that has existed regarding community management of water systems. This was done by supporting the MoWR to develop the community water management manual. The evaluation found that the manual is a great step forward. However, it also found that the manual requires review, consensus, reediting and advocacy with a view to giving it a national appeal, acceptance and application. In particular, the proposed 3-person management unit is too restrictive and not adequate for inclusive and participatory regime. Read More...

Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis

With funds from the United States Agency for International Development/Food for Peace USAID/FFP), CARE implemented the Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis (EFAS) project from April 2017-May 2018 in the Sanaag and Sool regions of Somalia/Somaliland benefiting 13,882 households. Respondents and CARE felt that the impact was positive. The cash transfer helped recipients met basic needs, improve credit, positively impacted local markets and promoted impendence for women in shopping. Mobile money was an efficient delivery mechanism allowing for a fast project start-up, and beneficiaries access to fund. Mobile money service providers were inefficient in coordinating for service delivery but CARE took measures to counter this. CARE’s project approaches were efficient especially the use of the Biometric Beneficiaries Registration System, expeditated administrative processes, and staff deployment, but they were also viewed as bureaucratic. (41 pages) Read More...

Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis After Action Review

CARE implemented the Emergency Food Assistance for Somalis (EFAS) project over twelve months (April 2017 – March
2018) the Sool and Sanaag regions of Somalia/Somaliland. With funding from USAID, the project provided unconditional cash transfers to communities in need in 135 villages under Caynabo, Lascanod, Cerigabo, Celafweyn and Badhan Districts to 13,182 households (HH). As part of the project evaluation, CARE sought to complete an After-Action Review (AAR) with the staff who supported the project implementation. (26 pages) Read More...

Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) for Africa Narrative Report

This 103 page report for the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) covers an extension period from July 2015 to June 2017. The extension period was funded by UKAid at the Department for International Development and Denmark’s Fund for Climate and Environment for NGOs managed by Civil Society in Development, as well as funds from the Australian Development Agency. The original ALP goal was maintained in the extension period: ‘to increase the capacity of vulnerable households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change,’ while the purpose was slightly modified: ‘Community-based adaptation (CBA) approached for vulnerable communities incorporated into development policies and programmes in Ghana, Kenya, and Niger, and replication ongoing in other countries in Africa.’ Read More...

Haraad reeb (quenching the thirst) ii final report

This 74 page report highlights the impacts of the German-government funded Haraad Reeb project. CARE and its principal partner, the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in Somaliland, have just concluded implementation of a 30-month project titled Haraad Reeb, which was funded by BMZ – Germany Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development. The thrust of the project was to build the resilience of target communities against drought-related shocks. The project focused on rural semi-sedentary populations living in small village-towns and spread across the eastern regions – Togdheer, Sool and Sanaag. Some activities were also implemented in Sahil, Hargeisa and Awdal regions.
The project performance against set indicators was excellent; indictors were met or surpassed. Implementation effectiveness was evident in the wide coverage, beneficiary participation, gender considerations, coordination mechanism, and in monitoring and evaluation strategies. CARE-MoWR had a robust working relationship, outlined in a joint MoU and applied at all levels – national, regional, districts and village. CARE had sufficient, qualified and motivated project staff while MoWR attached an engineer to the project.
Backed by evidence, the project designers realized that insufficiency of investments is not the core problem facing the rural water supply subsector. The core problem was identified as poor strategies to support operation and maintenance of the established systems. Due to this problem, there has been little to show for millions of dollars that the INGOs and UN agencies have invested in the subsector over the last two decades (1995-2015).
At the policy level, the project addressed the institutional lacuna that has existed regarding community management of water systems. This was done by supporting the MoWR to develop the community water management manual. The evaluation found that the manual is a great step forward. However, it also found that the manual requires review, consensus, reediting and advocacy with a view to giving it a national appeal, acceptance and application. In particular, the proposed 3-person management unit is too restrictive and not adequate for inclusive and participatory regime. Read More...

Diriswanaag food security and livelihoods baseline survey report


Diriswanaag livelihoods final evaluation- final report 29 9 2013

Diriswanaag Project was formulated in response to the worst drought situation to be experienced in S... Read More...

Diriswanaag ii (good neighbourliness, hospitality) report on the protection risks faced by internally displaced persons (id

This protection risk assessment was carried out by a private protection consultant, between Septembe... Read More...

Final evaluation report of the usaid ofda-funded “support to populations in humanitarian emergency and enhancing recovery

The Support to Populations in Humanitarian Emergency & Enhancing Recovery Efforts in Somalia (SPHERE... Read More...

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