Post –Project Study

Care International Switzerland Nutrition Project in Kass, South Darfur Evaluation

Care International Switzerland completed a one year common humanitarian fund project on nutrition Read More...

Ete – advancing girls’ access to quality education project, 2010

This project was designed to respond to social - cultural problems (including barriers to education ... Read More...

Ete – women empowerment in zanzibar project, december 2011

The WEZA project was meant to contribute to improving the quality of women’s lives, fulfilling their... Read More...

Care sl rvcd final report v2 111015

Promoting increased efficiency of agricultural value chains in food crops including an increase in v... Read More...

Ete – pastoral basket fund program, july 2011

The key activities of the CSOs include capacity building of pastoralist communities on: Policy analy... Read More...

Spurrz aar final report

Document is an after action review report for the Strengthening Peri-Urban Risk Reduction in Zambia ... Read More...

Community Savings and Loan (COSALO) Final Report

Community Savings and Loan (COSALO) is a community-managed micro-finance project Read More...

Final evaluation for the tap project – care

The Technical and Advisory Support to the further organizational development of the Yemeni Women Uni... Read More...

Pals project – final evaluation report(2010)

The project was designed to protect livelihood assets for the vulnerable populations in selected rur... Read More...

Puntland Livelihood Recovery Program Technical Report

The project aimed to improve soil and water conservation; mitigate the impact of future natural and ... Read More...

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