Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Care Japan Post-Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Response Program Evaluation

Overview of CARE Japan recovery response for Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami Read More...

Final draft sselp evaluation report


Mid term evaluation pli ii project

Phase II of the Pastoral Livelihoods Initiative (PLI II) is a four-year project, begun in May 2009, ... Read More...

Sdearp final evaluation report (final draft 1-sep-2012)

The main purpose of this report is to present the SDEARP final evaluation findings. The focus of the... Read More...

Rapport evaluation emergency care final v0700212

Suite aux inondations de 2010 au Bénin et au regard des ampleurs et dégâts exceptionnels dans certai... Read More...

Conservation agriculture final evaluation report feb 2012 – care sierra leone

The goal of the project is to introduce innovative environmentally sustainable agriculture practices... Read More...

Kenya dec rte 2012

This report contains the findings of a real-­‐time evaluation conducted for the DEC in Kenya in late... Read More...

Ifsri end of project evaluation report 2012

The Integrated Food Security Response Initiative (IFSRI) was motivated by the need to address food s... Read More...

Final evaluation- vocational training for former child soldiers

The goal of the project is to provide access to quality skills training to former child soldiers to ... Read More...

Final external evaluation report – leap

The LEAP project strategy builds on the thesis that the well-being of pastoral and agro-pastoral com... Read More...

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