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Search Results for “크라운섯다[TRRT2 COM] 크라운섯다사이트 크레이지타임룰렛★크로스배팅㈬크로스배팅사이트 rwd/” – CARE | Evaluations

Search Results: 크라운섯다[TRRT2 COM] 크라운섯다사이트 크레이지타임룰렛★크로스배팅㈬크로스배팅사이트 rwd/

RED/SAACC-Niger Baseline

Le projet de recherche-développement pour la sécurité alimentaire et l’adaptation climatique des systèmes ruraux de production au Niger (RED/SAACC-Niger) a pour objectif d’améliorer d’ici fin 2021, les revenus, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de 15.000 exploitations agricoles familiales fragiles à faible résilience, dans 15 communes des régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri . Read More...

RED SAACC Rapport Annuel 2017

Le projet de recherche-développement pour la sécurité alimentaire et l’adaptation climatique des systèmes ruraux de production au Niger (RED/SAACC-Niger) a pour objectif d’améliorer d’ici fin 2021, les revenus, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle de 15.000 exploitations agricoles familiales fragiles à faible résilience, dans 15 communes des régions de Maradi, Tahoua et Tillabéri. [33 pages] Read More...

Projecto Oreriha – Avaliação final

O projeto Oreriha foi desenhado em 2015 seguindo uma solicitação de propostas da FSDMoç. A CARE em parceria com Ophavela respondeu esta solicitação e submeteu uma proposta dum projeto de dois anos em maio de 2015. Nesta proposta escolheu-se de propor quatro mudanças chaves na abordagem de implementação de grupos de poupança:
1. Adaptação da metodologia ACPE para permitir mais flexibilidade nas poupanças. Isto responde às necessidades dos grupos heterogéneos em Nampula com rendimentos sazonais.
2. Reduzir o número de sessões de formação e visitas de animadores para as mensagens mais essenciais e momentos críticos na formação do grupo, que serão apoiados por mensagens de vídeo e em um novo manual simplificado.
3. Melhorar o processo de formação do grupo, transmitindo mensagens claras, consistentes e atraentes aos potenciais membros do SG, usando um vídeo promocional, reduzindo o tempo e os custos da mobilização da comunidade;
4. Substituir registos no papel por e-Registo para melhorar a precisão do registro, a qualidade do grupo e a independência dos grupos, particularmente no acto de distribuição.
[44 pages]

Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response

Cash Based Assistance (CBA) has been used by humanitarian organisations in Somalia to assist people in need since 2003. After several years of poor rainfall, the humanitarian community responded to a famine alert issued in January 2017 with a significant scale-up of funding and programmes. Having originally published a 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in November 2016, by May 2017, the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revised the HRP upwards to target 5.5 million people needing assistance. The United Nations (UN), Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement and numerous international and national NGOs delivered a wide variety of life-saving and livelihood support CBA to vulnerable people across the country. [72 pages] Read More...

Projecto Nampula Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas (NACC) Meio Termo

O Projecto Nampula Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas (NACC) é um projecto financiado pelo Governo Alemão com uma duração de 36 meses. O NACC está inserido no Programa Primeiras e Segundas (P & S) da Aliança CARE / WWF e opera nos distritos de Angoche, Larde e Moma, província de Nampula. Seu foco principal é aumentar a segurança alimentar e nutricional das famílias. NACC terá como objetivo atingir 17.760 participantes diretos e 98.000 participantes indiretos de famílias pobres e inseguras alimentares, dos quais 60% serão mulheres do grupo de impacto da CARE, "socialmente, economicamente e politicamente excluídas mulheres com insegurança alimentar e nutricional altamente dependentes de Recursos naturais." Read More...

7th Pacific Regional Conference on Disability

Video with interviews with some of the forum's participants.

Building sustainable and scalable peer-based programming: promising approaches from TESFA in Ethiopia

This research was written by Pari Chowdhary, Feven Tassaw Mekuria, Dagmawit Tewahido, Hanna Gulema, Ryan Derni, and Jefrey Edmeades.

In Ethiopia's Amara region, girls encounter child marriage at a high rate. They are also less able to negotiate sex or use family planning. With the purpose of improving their lives, CARE's TESFA program delivered reproductive health and financial savings curriculum to married girls through peer-based solidarity groups to 5,000 adolescent girls. This was divided into 3 interventions: sexual and reproductive health, economic empowerment, and a combination of both. Participants reported improvement in both areas. Four years after TESFA, 88% of groups communicated meeting without continued CARE's assistance, and some of the girl participants created new groups following the TESFA model. Also, some girls that did not participate in TESFA, replicated the model to create their own groups. Despite this, there is still in question who contributed to this sustainment and scale-up of groups.

Original article:
Originally published by Biomedcentral and is republished under the creative commons 4.0 license ( - Read More...

Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Endterm Review Final Report

The Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project (KIFHP) is a three year project (November 2014 – October 2017) funded by the European Union (EU) with co-funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and CARE Austria. The project is implemented by CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK). The project is implemented in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The project aims to primarily contribute to achieving sustainable development goal 3 (SDG)and former MDGs 4 and 5 a +b-“Reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate”, “Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio” and “Achieve universal access to reproductive health”. The overall objective of the evaluation was to establish the results that have been achieved in the three years (November 2014‐October 2017) of implementation and the resultant impact this has had on the target beneficiaries. Read More...

Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Midterm Review Report

CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) have been implementing a 3 year project in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The overall objective of the KIFHP is to Improve Maternal and Child Health, Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning and nutritional status of communities living within Kisumu slums.

The specific objectives of the Midterm evaluation were: to assess the effectiveness of project interventions, assess the efficiency of approaches used in implementation of project activities, assess the project implementation progress at mid-term level and its relevance within the prevailing context of devolved health system of governance and assess project sustainability mechanism. Read More...

Final external evaluation appendices – leap

The LEAP project strategy builds on the thesis that the well-being of pastoral and agro-pastoral com... Read More...

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