Gender Based Violence

Assessment on “Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention and response”

In response to the health and protection needs of the Rohingya refugees and the host communities in Cox´s Bazar, CARE is implementing the project “Improving lives of Rohingya refugees and host community members in Bangladesh through sexual and reproductive healthcare integrated with gender-based violence prevention and response” with funding support by German Federal Foreign Office. This is a two year project targeting Rohingya refuges of camp 11, 12, 15 and 16 and vulnerable host communities of Jaliapalong union for GBV and SRH services.

Indicator 1: %of targeted refugee and host community report an improved environment for women and girls following the implementation of SRH and GBV prevention measures
i. 93% respondents have good and very good understanding on available SRH service
ii. Proportion of women who make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care. 17% of interviewed women can make their own informed decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care.
iii. 32% of interviewed female from both host community and refugee community received both Anti-natal Care (ANC) and Post Natal Care (PNC).
So, we can say that, 47% (average of result of three proxy indicator) of targeted refugee and host community report an improved environment for women and girls following the implementation of SRH prevention measures.
iv. 49% of women and girls reporting feeling safe following the implementation of GBV prevention measures
v. 63% respondents (male 21`% and female 42%) go to community leaders for seeking help when they face any form of violence both in their home and also outside of their home
Here, “56% of targeted refugee and host community report an improved environment for women and girls following the implementation of GBV prevention”
Considering the average result of above GBV and SRH indicators, we can say that, 51.5% of targeted refugee and host community reported an improved environment for women and girls on SRH and GBV prevention measures at the baseline of the project.
Indicator 2: # of people (m/f) accessing services and information on SRH services and GBV prevention and response
Indicator 3: % of refugees and host population who report satisfaction with GBV and SRH assistance
i. 70% respondents from refugee and host community reported full satisfaction with GBV assistance
ii. 87% female and 65% male from refugee and host community reported full satisfaction with SRH assistance. (Among them 67% female from refugee and 20% female from host community, 45% male from refugee community and 20% male from host community)
Indicator 4: % of staff members with improved knowledge on SHR and GBV
Inicator 5: 45% of men and boys who report rejecting intimate partner violence and domestic violence
80% of staff members with improved knowledge on SHR and GBV
Indicator 5: # of women and adolescent girls having received MHM kit
i. Most of the respondents (85%) use reusable clothes
ii. 90% respondents wash and use the cloth again

Evaluación final Proyecto Alma Llanera I

La presente evaluación es elaborada con el objetivo de valorar la implementación del PROYECTO “ALMA LLANERA”, el cual ha sido ejecutado por CARE Perú.
Para el desarrollo del estudio se implementó una metodología mixta basada en la aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo. El ámbito geográfico del estudio de base comprende las zonas donde intervino el proyecto, las cuales comprende los departamentos de Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y la provincia constitucional del Callao.
Las principales variables analizadas se corresponden con las características básicas del público objetivo (características personales de las beneficiarias, de sus hogares, acceso a servicios de protección y afectación por el COVID-19), la cobertura, la pertinencia del proyecto, la eficacia y el impacto del Proyecto en función a los cambios esperados de su estrategia de intervención (plasmados a través de sus indicadores de impacto y resultados).
Estas variables se analizaron en la población objetivo del proyecto. Los informantes que proporcionaron la información requerida para el estudio fueron principalmente la población migrante y refugiada atendida, trabajadores/as y promotores de salud, funcionarios/as públicos y privados de las entidades públicas locales y el equipo técnico del Proyecto.
En este grupo de informantes se aplicaron encuestas a población migrante y refugiada atendida por el Proyecto, encuestas a trabajadores/as y promotores de salud y se complementó con entrevistas a funcionarios públicos y privados de los Centros de Salud Mental (CSMC), ONG, Asociaciones de Migrantes/Refugiados y Promotores de la Integración. Para el recojo de información, se diseñó un total de 10 formatos de recojo de información primaria, los cuales fueron aplicados durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2021, con algunas limitaciones propias de una aplicación por teléfono (llamadas no contestadas, servicios suspendidos, números equivocados) y otras referentes a la disponibilidad del informante (rechazo directo, falta de tiempo).
Como resultado de lo anterior se presentan los siguientes hallazgos: Read More...

Migrant Women Mini-survey on Sexual Harassment Aung Myin Hmu Project: Industry Solutions for Safe Employment

This AMH project aims to provide safe work opportunities for migrant women by working with the private sector and the government to provide in demand vocational training and job matching while ensuring that women can access appropriate social and protection services.
The study follows up with the project measurement framework to simplify and better visualize the below project indicators.
1) HLO2.2 % of migrant women who report experiencing discrimination and abuse in public and/or at the workplace
2) HLO 2.4 % of women who report feeling safer due to SH awareness activities and existence of complaint mechanism
3) IO 2.2.3 % of women report experiencing sexual harassment at their workplace

Diagnóstico CAP

El presente Diagnóstico sobre la implementación de Productos, Servicios y Capacidades para evitar la violencia basada en género, especialmente acoso, abuso y violación sexual, y protección a niñas, niños o adolescentes (NNA) en el Sistema Educativo, se realizó en el marco del proyecto Educación Libre de Violencia, implementado por CARE en asocio con COCASEN y en estrecha articulación con el Ministerio de Educación. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo evidenciar la dinámica en las instituciones responsables de atender estos casos y sus respuestas frente a NNA, estableciendo dos dimensiones de análisis: 1) Identificar información relevante para el desarrollo de un Modelo de Gestión sobre violencia sexual contra NNA, y 2) Identificar prácticas relacionadas con la percepción y respuestas a los casos de violencia sexual contra NNA al interior del sistema educativo. Read More...

Livelihoods, WASH and Protection Support to Drought and Conflict-Affected IDPs & Host Communities in Somali Region, Ethiopia

This report presented an end-line survey for the project entitled Livelihoods, WASH, and Protection Support to Drought and Conflict-Affected IDPs & Host Communities in Somali Region, Ethiopia. End line findings on WASH-related variables confirmed that the WASH response impacted the
life of the target community.


Contribuir al fortalecimiento de un entorno protector para la población migrante venezolana que se encuentre en situación de vulnerabilidad

PROTECCIÓN: Las personas refugiadas y migrantes y solicitantes de asilo más vulnerables, especialmente, las mujeres y adolescentes que están expuestos a violaciones de derechos, incluida la trata de personas y la violencia basada en género, tienen un mayor acceso a servicios especializados de respuesta y prevención de protección

SALUD Y SALUD MENTAL: Las personas refugiadas, migrantes y solicitantes de asilo más vulnerables que están expuestas a la violencia basada en género y/o trata de personas tienen mayor acceso a la atención psicosocial y la atención de salud mental adaptada Read More...

Rapport d’évaluation finale du projet : Préserver la Dignité et Réduire les Souffrances des personnes affectées par les effets des mouvements de population dans la commune de N’guigmi II

Le projet PREDIRES II a été mis en de Septembre 2019 à Août 2020. Il est axé sur les volets sécurité alimentaire, Violence basée sur le genre et la santé sexuelle reproductive. Le projet a touché 500 ménages vulnérables issus de 9 villages de la commune de N’guigmi. Les activités réalisées vont de la mise en place et formation des structures communautaires de protection et VBG, des pairs éducateurs sur IST/VIH/SIDA à l’appui alimentaire et une mise en place, formation et appui en cash pour AGR des groupements MMD.
Pour mieux évaluer la pertinence, l’efficacité, l’efficience et l’impact du projet, une évaluation finale a été faite, objet du présent rapport. L’évaluation a été conduite en interne et le plus simplement possible par le chef de projet. L’exercice a été guidé par 05 questions d’évaluation avec un certain nombre de sous-questions. Les méthodes de collectes ont été une revue documentaire du projet et une étude qualitative (enquête des connaissances, d’attitudes et des pratiques). Pour cette dernière, des entretiens de groupe ont été menés avec des hommes (jeunes et adultes) et femmes (jeunes et adultes). Les données ont été collectées par une équipe externes dans 3 villages d’intervention du projet. Le projet est à 63% du taux de consommation en Juillet 2020. [14 pages] Read More...

ASHAR Alo Project (Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience)

ASHAR Alo (Action for Supporting the Host Communities: Adaptation and Resilience), meaning ‘Light of Hope’ in Bangla.
The project activities are focused on Jaliyapalong, Haldiapalang,Ratna Palong, PalongKhali union of Ukhiya Upzila and Dakshin Mithachari and Chakmarkul union of Ramu Upazila. CARE aims to strengthen host communities' resilience by enhancing community-based disaster risk reduction (DRR), upgrading infrastructure, and providing livelihoods opportunities across shelter, settlement, and WASH sectors. The project also responds to the urgent protection and gender-based violence needs in the host community. Activities are being undertaken in collaboration with government and community stakeholders and UN and NGO actors.
Cox’s Bazar is amongst the poorest districts of Bangladesh. In Ukhia, 33% of people live below the poverty line, and 17% below extreme poverty. This is linked to the region's poor land quality and high risk of natural disaster. Since the Myanmar refugee influx in the fall of 2017, over 902,984 refugees or 201,150 households (HH)s have settled in Ukhiya, and Teknaf.1 Despite limited resources, the local host community population welcomed the arriving refugees during the fall of 2017, sharing food, shelter, and supplies. However, the refugees’ extended presence has strained the community’s already scarce resources. Within the sub-region, Ukhia and Teknaf have been particularly affected, with 336,000 residents directly impacted by the refugee influx,2 leading to a deterioration of relations between these host community members and the refugees.
The region is highly prone to natural disasters; it experiences regular cyclones, floods, and landslides with triple global average precipitation3. Both individual homes and community shelters are weak and in disrepair. Over 40% of households do not meet Sphere standards; they are overcrowded, fragile and highly susceptible to damage and destruction by strong winds, rain, and flooding4. Land degradation, including the daily removal of over 700 metric tons of firewood from the area, has led to a loss of topsoil, coupled with the heightened risk of flash flooding, which has increased the potential destruction5. The accumulation of improperly disposed waste and poor pre-existing drainage systems aggravate these risks and increase the likelihood of damage to host communities6. Furthermore, community response plans and structures are ill-equipped to safeguard or offer substantive protection. [19 pages] Read More...

The Safe Service for Minority Population (SSMP) Project 2019-2021

This is the End of Project Evaluation Report for Safe Services for Minority Populations (SSMP) Project which was implemented in Ratanak Kiri province- Banlung, Oyadav, and Andong Meas districts. The Project was funded by the Australia-Cambodia Cooperation for Equitable Sustainable Services (ACCESS). It started on 30 September 2019 and will end on 30 September 2021 (following a no cost extension). The goal of the project was for Persons with disabilities and women affected by GBV benefit from access to sustainable, quality, inclusive services
In order to conduct the evaluation, data was collected through a comprehensive literature review and fieldwork. The literature review was conducted reviewing reports and documents from the SSMP Project and also other relevant external publications. Field work was conducted in August 2021. The interview questions were based on the CARE’s monitoring and evaluation tools and updated to capture information needed for the Evaluation Read More...


By August 9, 2021, Ethiopia had reported more than 284,000 COVID-19 cases and 4,426 deaths. Since COVID-19 was first reported in Ethiopia in March of 2021, the impacts of the pandemic, the measures taken to curb COVID-19, and additional political, economic, and environmental crises have severely impacted the population.

Women and girls bear different burdens in this crisis, and emergency responses often overlook the differences in impacts and needs for women, girls, men, and boys in humanitarian responses. To that end, this research— with funding from the EUTF (European Union Emergency Trust Fund) provides insight into the impact of COV1D-19 on women and girls in Ethiopia. This insight informs recommendations and guide EUTF partners and other relevant stakeholders in the areas of EUTF interventions. With this objective in mind, four woredas (administrative districts), one refugee camp, and one Industrial Park (IP) were considered as sample areas. These are Sekota Zuria and Gazgibla woredas in Wag Hemra zone of Amhara region; Moyale and Miyo woredas in Borena Zone of Oromia region, Asayita Refugee Camp in Afar region, and Bole-Lemi Industrial Park in Addis Ababa.

This research surveyed 372 women and girls in April 2021. The quantitative surveys covered adult women and girls over the age of 15. It also provides insights into the differences between refugees, Internally Displaced People (IDPs), refugees, and migrants. Qualitative from focus group discussions and key informant interviews also reflects opinions from men and boys. [75 pages] Read More...

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