Gender Equality

Endline Integrated Emergency Response Impevi Settlement Uganda

The end line evaluation was conducted in all the intervention areas where the ADA project was implemented. Respondents were sampled from the ten villages of Zone 3 of Imvepi settlement in Arua District. Data collection was conducted between 10th to 14th December 2018 starting with a two-day training for enumerators.
The evaluation relied on data collected by CARE International MEAL Team. This was quantitative and qualitative data. For Quantitative data, Semi-structured interviews were conducted at the household level using Handheld Tablets, programmed with Kobo tool.
The objective was to assess self-reported access to shelter, reported or perceived protection from GBV and sexual exploitation and to measure coverage in access to Livelihood interventions.
Data was collected from 304 refugees and 79 host community members. For the usability of data and a gendered comparison across life stages, the report only presents findings from the refugee’s population. The report focuses on three thematic areas, implemented under the ADA project – Lifesaving shelter for PSNs, Livelihood for the youths and Sexual gender-based component targeting the general project beneficiary population. Read More...

Women For Change Cohort 1 and 2

Le présent document est le fruit de la consultation relative à l’évaluation finale du projet Women For Change à Guéyo (Cohorte 1). Ce projet, intervenant dans un contexte où les femmes dans les communauté de la Côte d’Ivoire sont confrontées à des disparités basées sur des croyances sociales et des structures de pouvoir qui sous-estiment leur valeur dans la société et dans ce cas précis, leur contribution à l’agriculture, vise à autonomiser les femmes productrices de cacao et les femmes vivant dans les ménages de cacaoculteurs pour qu'elles participent davantage au développement
communautaire et à la prise de décision sur la gestion des entreprises et des moyens de subsistance des cacaoculteurs à travers 3 piliers : (i) Accès au leadership et à la formation sur les compétences de vie courante (lifeskills) ; (ii) L’engagement des hommes et des garçons, engagement pour l'égalité des sexes, y compris le dialogue des couples ; (iii) L'apprentissage et la recherche pour démontrer le lien entre la productivité et l’autonomisation des femmes.
L’objectif de l’évaluation finale est de démontrer de façon significative l'impact du programme qui devra conserver la spécificité du contexte et des significations culturelles du changement de comportement des femmes et des hommes. Read More...

Tipping Point Bangladesh Final Evaluation

Phase 1 of CARE’s Tipping Point project addressed child marriage through a dynamic process of innovation, insight, and influence in 90 communities of Sunamganj, Bangladesh, in partnership with Action for Social Development (ASD) and Jaintia Shinnomul Songstha (JASHIS). In this first phase, the project promoted girls’ rights and choices around marriage through focused engagement with collectives of girls, boys, and parents, who received skills trainings and conducted advocacy events to promote gender-equitable social norms. The project also engaged allies and potential champions for girls’ rights, including government and civil society, to help drive social change and direct more resources towards girls’ empowerment in project communities.
At the conclusion of Phase 1, an external evaluation team visited a sample of project sites to conduct data collection with girls, boys, parents, and community members. Based on the evaluators’ findings, Tipping Point’s iterative and adaptive strategies have proven to be effective in supporting social norms that promote gender equity. Read More...

Tropical Cyclone Gita Summary

2 page summary of the Cyclone Gita response Final Evaluation:

When Tropical Cyclone Gita, a Category 4 cyclone, struck Tonga on Monday 12 February 2018 it affected 80,000 men, women, boys and girls—roughly 70% of the entire population. CARE, Live and Learn, and MORDI formed a partnership to respond to the immediate needs of those affected on both ‘Eua and Tongatapu. In the response phase, the partnership delivered emergency shelter and hygiene kits. In the recovery phase, the partnership supported communities with shelter, repairs to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, and food security and livelihood recovery efforts. In total the response supported 10,570 individuals (4,946 men and 5,624 women) Read More...

Impact Report Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro Business

The idea of EWYSEA (Empowering Women and Youth for Sustainable Entrepreneurship through Agro-business) project was
conceived with the objective to create opportunities for earning income and becoming self-reliant, for both rural women and
youth groups through avenues of entrepreneurship. Krishi Utsho is a successfully proven supply chain model which has
improved the food security situation of vulnerable farmers and their families. As part of its commitment to improve the
gender parity in rural areas, where women and youth are the most vulnerable segments of society, and to improve the food
security situation in its program areas, KU implemented EWYSEA under its umbrella project to act as a vehicle for support.
This endline study was commissioned to assess the economic and social impact of the project and its initiatives on the target
groups, and the satisfaction level of customers and stakeholders of the EWYSEA project, with direct impact of EWYSEA on
beneficiaries. The endline study was designed as mixed methodology.

In the case of women entrepreneurs, major sources of income were found to be petty trade, agriculture and livestock farming.
All depended on cash income and only 33% on in-kind income. Range of monthly average income varied from BDT 2,100-
9,300, and major expenditures were for food, health, household purchase and children’s education. Most respondents
reportedly take household decisions jointly with their husbands; furthermore as earning members in HH they now enjoy more
decision making authority. Community level participation has increased since EWYSEA started. Women entrepreneurs found
training and awareness sessions conducted by Krishi Utsho highly informative and enlightening, by receiving information on
business strategy and marketing.

Working for impact in Papua New Guinea: CARE International’s portfolio review

This review focuses on CARE International’s program portfolio in Papua New Guinea (PNG) over the past five years (2013-2018). CARE’s goal in PNG is to achieve significant, positive and lasting impact on poverty and social injustice in remote, marginalised rural areas through the empowerment of women and their communities and through effective partnerships. CARE has worked in PNG since 1989 and now has offices in Goroka in Eastern Highlands Province, Mt Hagen in Western Highlands Province, Buka in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (ARB) and an office in Port Moresby.
Over the past five years, CARE’s program in PNG has worked in multiple areas: sexual, reproductive and maternal health, community health promotion, awareness and behaviour change; inclusive governance; women’s economic empowerment; climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; and emergency response. These programs have been implemented in PNG’s particularly challenging operating environment. Read More...

Women and Girls Empowerment (WAGE) II & Supporting Adolescent Girls Empowerment (SAGE) Baseline

CARE Tanzania's Women and Girls Empowerment (WAGE) and Supporting Adolescent Girls Empowerment (SAGE) Program goals is social and economic empowerment of marginalized women and girls. The primary target group is those women and girls who are especially poor and/or excluded more often than other groups. The program design is deliberately linked to CARE Tanzania's strategic focus on governance as a key impediment to equitable and effective development. The program uses a proven community based group savings and loans methodology (MMD) as an entry point to mobilize group members to address a wide range of constraints to the social and economic empowerment of marginalized women and girls. [354 pages] Read More...

Voice and Rights for Ethnic Minority Women in Vietnam

CARE and iSEE partner have been implemented a project titled “Voice and Rights for Ethnic Minority Women” in Banh Trach and Phuc Loc Commune, Ba Be District, Bac Can Province since April 2015 with duration of 36 months. In designing, the project aims to archive three results: (1): An effective approach to co-research has been implemented in Bac Kan Province; (2): Ethnic Minority women have presented their co-research findings to civil society and policy-makers, demonstrating the value of enhanced participation to stakeholders; (3) The Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs has incorporated outcomes from participatory research into rights-related policy-making and, along with civil society organizations, has increased capacity to implement participatory consultations. The project deploys the model of co-research in an integrated cycle of research, advocacy and capacity building for change. Read More...

Sabal Midterm Evaluation Report

The goal of the Sabal project is to increase the resilience and food security of targeted vulnerable populations in Nepal. The project, funded by USAID's Food For Peace from 2014-19, commenced in 2014 and is scheduled to end 2019. CARE is one of 7 technical partners and 17 local NGO implementing partners. Save the Children is the overall program leader and primarily responsible for implementation.

The project has three primary “purposes”: 1) livelihoods, 2) health and nutrition, and 3) disaster risk reduction/climate change adaptation (DRR/CCA), as well as a cross-cutting component for gender and social inclusion. Under each design element are sub-purposes and accompanying activities that are meant to achieve sub-purpose goals but also to contribute to cross-purpose outcomes, as part of the desired integration strategy. (123 page evaluation) Read More...

Umodzi – research on gender synchronized approaches to adolescent lifeskills

The aim of Umodzi Project was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. CARE Malawi contracted the CDM to implement the evaluation to compliment routine monitoring activities and establish the effectiveness of the gender synchronized approach. (169 pages) Read More...

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