Renew 2016 learning paper

This 34 page paper highlights findings from The Redefining Norms to Empower Women (ReNEW) project in... Read More...

Évaluation des violences basées sur le genre au sein des refugiés centrafricains et leurs populations hôtes dans les départements de la Kadey et du Mbéré (Régions de l’Est et l’Adamaoua- Cameroun)

Depuis le début de la crise en République Centrafricaine (RCA) en 2013, le Cameroun a enregistré un afflux massif des refugiés centrafricains. En février 2016, ils sont estimés à environ 259 145 réfugiés accueillis dans 7 sites aménagés et les villages des Régions de l’Est, de l’Adamaoua et du Nord. Les régions de L’Est et L’Adamaoua seules abritent 97% des refugiés (voir ci-contre).

Une analyse Genre conduite par CARE en septembre 2014 et l’expérience sur le terrain ont fait ressortir une situation préoccupante en termes de protection notamment pour les femmes et les filles refugiées ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’incidence des cas d’agressions physiques et sexuelles envers les femmes, perpétrées par des membres de la communauté hôte ainsi que par les réfugiés eux- mêmes.

Project Femme Eau Terre a Biltine (FET) Rapport Final

This 39 page document highlights the results of the FET project funded by the European Union Read More...

Renforcement de la Filière Maraîchère Pour une Existence Durable dans le Wadi-Fira

This 41 page document highlights the findings of the REMED-WF project funded by the European Union Read More...

Endline umugore arumvwa – a woman is listened to

This 88 page report highlights findings from the EU-funded CARE Rwanda project focusing on gender ba... Read More...

Keeping Girls At School Program Impact Evaluation rwanda edoag care final report

The Keeping Girls At School (KGAS) program is an initiative of CARE Rwanda aimed at reducing the number of girls who drop out of secondary school and increasing the share of girls that transit from lower to upper secondary education. CARE Rwanda and its implementing partners worked in 30 schools, across three districts in the Southern Province. The KGAS initiative has three main channels through which it aims to reduce dropout rates among adolescent girls: i) Providing mentorship opportunities for girls within the context of Girls Clubs; ii) Engaging girls in voluntary savings and loans (VSL) and income-generating activities; and iii) Establishing a Community Score Card (CSC) system that allows girls to comment on and influence institutions affecting their education
experience. [This 86 page document highlights the results of the KGAS program] Read More...

Rapport final evaluation alp niger

This 60 page report details the findings of the final evaluation of ALP in Niger Read More...

Initiative femmes et terroirs et regeneration naturelle assitee IFETE Evaluation final

This 44 page report highlights findings from CARE Niger's Women, Land Rights, and Natural Land Reger... Read More...

Gender and Power Analysis: Timor-Leste 2013

In October 2012 CARE International in Timor-Leste (CITL) commenced its transition from a project-based way of working, to a program approach. This Gender and Power Analysis provides part of the evidence base for the new programs being developed by CITL as part of the move to a program approach.

This Gender and Power Analysis is based on the findings of publically available secondary research and CITL's own research (gender analyses, baseline surveys and evaluations). The CARE International Gender Network's Good Practices Framework for Gender Analysis (2012) was used to guide the report and the analysis is structured around the three domains of CARE's Women's Empowerment Framework —agency, structures and relations.

This report should complement, but not replace, program and project-specific gender and power analyses.

Niger country report alp

This 20 page report summarizes the mid-term findings of ALP in Niger Read More...

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