Gender Equality

Partenariat Contre le Trafic, l’Exploitation des Enfants et les Violences faites aux Filles aux Femmes (PACTE)

This evaluation of the Project “Partnership Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Violence Against Girls and Women (PACTE for Children and Women)” comes at the end of 36 months of implementation of activities carried out in the project. Read More...

Programme de Renforcement des Capacites D’Action des Femmes (RECAFEM)

The Capacity Building Program for Women's Action (RECAFEM), also known as “Swiss Support for the Empowerment of Women (ASAF)” of the Swiss Cooperation in Benin, started in 2003, aims to support national efforts to reduce gender inequalities at the social, cultural, legal and economic levels. This program, which ended in 2019, has been carried out for 16 years, in 4 successive phases and without interruption. The 4th and final phase, hereinafter referred to as RECAFEM 4, runs from June 1, 2015 to December 31, 2019. This program supported the development of the legislative, regulatory and institutional frameworks of Benin with regard to the promotion of women and gender equality. Apart from the education and health sectors, where the implementation of these national policies and strategies relating to the reduction of discrimination and gender inequalities has led to significant changes and impacts, the acceleration of the implementation is a high necessity in other sectors of socio-economic development. Read More...

Ethnic Minority Women’s Empowerment in Vietnam

Women in remote ethnic communities in Vietnam are not equally benefiting from the remarkable economic growth over the past decade. They experience high levels of poverty, unequal participation in economic opportunities, limited options to adapt to changes in the climate, and have a limited voice in decisions that affect them. CARE’s Ethnic Minority Women’s Empowerment project (EMWE), supported by Australian Aid, works with ethnic minority women to overcome these challenges. Read More...

Latin America and the Caribbean rapid gender analysis for COVID-19

Women and girls across Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are facing a terrifying mix of increased domestic violence and care burden, as well as a lower access to income and jobs, and potential social unrest as a result of the coronavirus outbreaks.

The LAC region has the highest levels of inequality in the world, with wide gaps in living standards across countries, regions, sectors, and socioeconomic spheres. When coupled with the pervasive gender inequality that persists, the response to Covid-19 in LAC becomes immeasurably more complicated. CARE International and UN Women joined forces in Latin America, and the Caribbean on this report which presents a series of recommendations aimed at ensuring a more effective gender-inclusive response in the region. The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) for COVID-19 is a tool designed to provide information about the different needs, risks, capacities, and coping strategies of women, men, boys, girls, and gender-diverse people during the COVID-19 crisis. This RGA is part of the iterative RGA process for the LAC region and is intended as a programming tool for humanitarian actors. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis CARE Morocco (English, French)

This analysis is based on a qualitative survey carried out in the field with the various beneficiaries of CARE Morocco's projects. A questionnaire was developed for the occasion and completed through phone calls by the field teams in different intervention areas of CIM. It should be noted that the survey did not focus on a large number of respondents, but rather on qualitative responses with the leaders of CARE Morocco beneficiary groups such as Village Savings and Loans Associations, cooperatives, educators from the education sector, and other partner associations at the local level. Secondary data were also drawn from various national reports and studies, in particular those conducted by the High Commission for Planning and the National Observatory for Human Development. Read More...

Gender Implications of Cash Transfers in Malawi

The government of Malawi operates a national safety net program targeting the poorest 10% of the population with unconditional cash transfers and the next poorest 15% with conditional cash transfers through a Cash for Work (CfW) program and vouchers for subsidized agricultural inputs. In 2019 the Government, with support from development partners, has started implementation of an ultra-poor graduation program in nine districts which support ultra-poor households with livelihood grants and complementary services. This safety net is designed to quickly scale to more people or to provide more money to existing participants in case of emergencies.
CARE Malawi set out to identify the gendered implications of this cash programming and how participants’ experiences of cash transfers affected gender equality. To do so, CARE used a combination of literature review and primary data collection with stakeholder consultations, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions (FGDs) at national, district, and community levels. Because of the large-scale cash response to Cyclone Idai in 2019—largely operated through international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)—the study also compared gendered impacts of the government program and NGO humanitarian response. Read More...

Analyse Rapide Genre pour COVID-19 Niger

Le Covid-19 est une nouvelle souche de coronavirus (CoV) n´ayant pas été précédemment identifiée chez l'homme. L'épidémie à Covid-19 s'est propagée à l'échelle mondiale depuis son premier signalement et elle a été déclarée une urgence de santé publique de portée internationale (USPPI), classé le 11 mars 2020 parmi les pandémies.

Cette situation de crise sanitaire a un impact certain sur le système de santé nigérien et sur son économie, mais aussi et principalement sur la vie des populations nigériennes déjà bouleversées par d´autres chocs et stress. Au Niger l'impact de la pandémie est encore exacerbé par la crise sécuritaire, la violence continue et les urgences humanitaires.

L´expérience tirée des épidémies précédentes confirme que l´impact des crises est différent chez les femmes, les hommes, les filles et les garçons, et que les réponses qui mettent en place des dispositifs incluant les aspects séxoespécifiques permettent de maintenir le bien être des personnes et évitent que les ménages sombrent dans la pauvreté et l´exclusion. Les analyses des effets et impacts de ces crises ont permis d´identifier des points forts et des vulnérabilités que nous ne devons pas oublier en ce moment.

Les études faites ont tendance à conclure que les inégalités de genre et autres inégalités s’aggravent souvent pendant une crise, mais en réalité les évidences montrent que les crises révèlent les inégalités structurelles et systémiques préexistantes qui causent lors d´une crise plusieurs types et niveau d’impacts sur les personnes selon leurs groupes d´appartenance.

Malheureusement, ces inégalités ne sont pas systématiquement incluses dans les réponses aux crises. CARE International et Le projet GenCap au Niger ont senti la nécessité de conduire une analyse rapide genre pour mettre en évidence les impacts sexospécifiques de la pandémie de Covid-19 pouvant informer l´équipe humanitaire pays (EHP) dans la réponse au Covid-19.

Ce rapport est destiné à l´équipe humanitaire. Il est organisé autour de grands thèmes et domaines d’intérêt particulièrement importants pour ceux dont la programmation fait progresser l’égalité des sexes. Il cherche à approfondir l’analyse de genre disponible en tirant des enseignements des données disponibles sur le genre pour l’urgence de santé publique Covid-19.

Estudio de la Linea de Base del Proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo – Perú”

El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto “ELLA ALIMENTA AL MUNDO – PERÚ” (Componente 2 - Desarrollo Económico), desarrollado por el equipo consultor de Mi Chacra, de acuerdo con los términos de referencia de CARE Perú y de otros requerimientos que se agregaron a los mismos, desde septiembre hasta diciembre de 2019.
Por definición, se elabora el presente estudio con el objetivo de contar con una Línea de Base que permita medir por comparación los resultados y el impacto del mencionado proyecto (desarrollado en alianza institucional con PepsiCo), cuyos ejes fundamentales se encuentran en el apoyo a mujeres agricultoras y sus familias en tres regiones del Perú (Piura, Lima e Ica): en este contexto, el proyecto proveerá educación, recursos y apoyo económico para ayudarlas a aumentar el rendimiento de sus cultivos, sus ingresos y el acceso a la nutrición a nivel local (Nutrición es el Componente 1 del proyecto). Read More...

Measuring Social Norms and Girls’ Empowerment Report of the SenseMaker study of the

This report presents the findings from a SenseMaker story collection process conducted as part of a qualitative evaluation of CARE International’s Tipping Point project in Sunamganj, Bangladesh. Tipping Point aims to reduce the incidence of child marriage through shifting social norms at the community level, addressing the root causes of the practice and seeking to holistically effect change at the level of individuals, communities, and the broader enabling environment. The SenseMaker study was conducted by the Overseas Development Institute and researchers from Jahangirnagar University, in close cooperation with Tipping Point’s two local implementing
partners, JASHIS and ASD in Sunamganj district. The evaluation team collected 875 stories in total: 325 from girls; 214 from boys; and 336 from mothers and fathers of adolescents.

The primary analytical approach for assessing the nature of change within Tipping Point communities was comparing the data from Boundary Partners (girls and boys who participate in Tipping Point ‘Fun Centre’ groups, and parents of adolescents who participate in Fun Centre groups) with data from non-Boundary Partners from the same village. Read More...

Baseline Study of the Title II Development Food Assistance Program in Haiti

In fiscal year 2013, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) awarded funding to CARE International and its partners, Action Contre La Faim International (ACF) and the U.N. World Food Programme (WFP), to implement a Title II development food assistance program in Haiti.1 The four-year Kore Lavi Program directly supports the Government of Haiti’s (GOH) social protection efforts. The overall objective of the program is to reduce food insecurity and vulnerability by supporting the GOH in establishing a replicable safety net system and expanding capacities for preventing child undernutrition.

The Title II program area residents face challenges in all four pillars of food security: (1) availability of food, (2) access to food, (3) utilization of food and (4) stability.

Survey results indicate that 57.5 percent of households suffer from moderate hunger and 13.5 percent of households suffer from severe hunger.

An HDDS of 6.2 indicates that households in the Kore Lavi Program area typically can access and consume 6 of 12 basic food groups. Qualitative data indicate that food consumption is pragmatic at the household level. Individual families eat what is available, what they can grow or what they can afford to purchase. Despite these challenges, many respondents spoke ardently to beliefs about the cultural significance of certain foods, while also holding strong opinions on imported food in comparison to locally produced food.

The household survey data show that 69 percent of all households have an adequate level of food consumption, 22 percent score at the borderline level, and 9 percent score at the poor level.

Across the Kore Lavi Program area, 43.6 percent of households currently live in extreme poverty (less than the international poverty line of USD$1.25 at 2005 prices), with average daily per capita expenditures of constant USD$ 2.10.

The household survey data show that 40 percent of households use an improved drinking water source and 16 percent of households use a non-shared improved sanitation facility.

As measured by body mass index (BMI), the nutritional status of women 15-49 years of age who are not pregnant or two months post-partum is generally satisfactory despite a lack of dietary diversity.

The survey data reveal that 8 percent of children under five years of age in the Kore Lavi Program area show signs of being moderately or severely underweight, and 19 percent of children under five years of age are stunted.

Across the qualitative data, views about gender equality tended to be polarized, rooted historically and in tradition. Read More...

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